Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Busy and productive day!

16.V.07 - MoM

Looking for forward to bed tonight, as I have had a busy day. Since I was collecting my garbage for Charlie to add to theirs I decided that I had better really do a serious purge of the Fridge. They were due at about 10 or 10:30, and they were going to put the fountain together again to see if I would work correctly. Charlie's dental appt was moved up, so Sandy and we left for the shopping we were going to do. I wanted to make sure I had the garbage ready. The hydrator was a swampy mess that had to put down the disposal, and be scrubbed out. I really "serioused up" with dumping all the old stuff in the rest of the fridge. (Sunday, before leaving for Marty's, I was looking for something on the bottom of my little bag that holds my extras and turned up some Easter candy and the hard boiled egg with my name on it that Ruth Wood used as place cards! Luckily, it was still in tact!! I also got all except the oversized crock pot off the large table in the messy sunroom. After the living room remodel, there was no place for it. It is probably going to be relegated to the "barn" for now. It needs some repairs to do its expanding tricks.

Sandy and Charlie were coming in separate cars, so he had gone to his earlier appointment and we took off for points west. Since it was approaching 11 and to avoid waiting as they can be busy, we headed for Lake Elmo, to a nice restaurant. After a good lunch, it was time to hit Kowalskis. The first thing I spotted was a darling garden birdbath. It was surprising inexpensive and I was looking for one for the patio. I had talked of moving the heated one (unplugged for summer) to the patio for the summer as I have one on a post on the deck. I thought Charlie had gotten the word that I had changed my mind about moving it as it was nailed down. I was going to leave it so I was surprised to find it in the patio when we got home. No problem, as I had been interested in having one in my front yard bird center/large flower bed. The new one looks perfect there -- much better than it would have any place else.

After our grocery shopping, we went by a nursery and I got 3 large planted mixed flower pots and a batch of bedding plants to fill pots for my bedroom deck. I'll be busy planting during the next few days. When the news came on tonight, there was a warning about the chance of frost tonight! So, I lugged the 3 planted pots and my Tumbling Tom into my room for tonight. It is going to warm up tomorrow, but those pots cost money, so I didn't want to take a chance. It was easier than trying to cover them tonight. I didn't even wear a coat today. Strange weather.
I haven't seen as many birds as usual lately. I have huge grackles living up in the woods that have been at the feeders. While I was gone today they ate an entire suet cake. I think they have been raiding nests, too. I see a huge rabbit running around in the patio right now -- it raises its families under my bedroom deck.

With no naps I am looking forward to a good night like I had last night. Haven't heard from Chris yet. I think he is probably staying with her.

* * * * *

Tonight, is the rest of the letter from Chris of 10/6/87. This part was dated: 13/87 to us while we were in Saalfelden.

Garden has been a booming success this year, particularly tomatoes.
Am over the 150 lb mark (it seems). Put up a couple dozen pints of sauce and have dried about a gallon's worth. Fortunately the cucumbers were slow so there wasn't a lot of pickling to do (I did none this year), just gave some away. I still have a lot left from last year which I dump out when I need jars -- they aren't crisp. So, I'll try again next year. Cantaloupes were good as usual, and I even managed one 16 lb watermelon. It was seedless, too, but not as sweet as the regular ones -- I guess that's why they call them "Triple Sweet," etc. I have one more smaller one I haven't tried yet. I trucked it to Hatteras with me, but didn't eat it there, so trucked back home again. I gambled and planted lettuce in August and for once that paid off big so I've got real nice lettuce now and have for several weeks now. I hope it will last into December. Potatoes are ok, not greatly abundant, but good. I've ½ a row left to dig.
I mentioned Hatteras -- I've been down twice this fall, once last month and then again last week (in between dates of this letter) like last year. First time I got 48 fish, but this time 28 blues, mostly in the 2-3 lb range (one over 3 lb, biggest game fish I ever caught). Also, got four 5 lb sharks [did read that correctly ???] which are some of the biggest fish period I've ever caught. Cleaned up they amounted to 25 lbs, so now the freezer is pretty damn full, between tomato stuff and blue fish. And I'd still like to go back over Thanksgiving…. Guess I could use the smoker on the next batch. There was a nice article on the Outer Banks in the Natl. Geographic -- hope you saw it. Doubt if you'd recognize Nags Head. Fortunately Hatteras Island has changed less, and the beach, of course, not at all. I really don't mind reading long letters (I know I sure write them!) Take care, hope you are well, Love, Chris.



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