Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, May 26, 2007



Saturday, and the start of a three day weekend for Bill-- the end of the long holiday drought. No longer matters to me, except for the pleasure of having him home one more day, and seeing him actually relax a bit. He works much too hard.

Made myself get up at 9:00, after only 6 hours of sleep. Demonstrated again that getting up early is doesn't work if I don't get enough sleep. I was pretty worthless all morning, unable to concentrate on anything. Was a little better after a half hour nap in the afternoon, but that put me behind on getting out to shop, and I skipped lunch. I should have just slept the extra hour in the morning.

Didn't find nearly enough time to read Everything is Misc. Just enough to see why everyone is so fascinated by it. Tomorrow.

Had scallops for dinner, as requested by Bill. Bay scallops for a change, and since the recipe on the tape the Publix fish counter used to seal the package sounded good, I went with it: broiled with spiced garlic butter. The recipe called for "garlic butter," but no instruction how to make it. All I knew to do was make the garlic butter we used to put on french bread growing up. I learned the hard way that it was apparently supposed to be melted, since it was impossible to "brush" it on the teeny scallops. I tossed it in the mike at the last minute, and that helped, but wasn't quite right either. Still it tasted pretty good, and Bill absolutely loved it, likewise the cat. Corn on the cob (Memorial Day is the height of corn season in northern FL) and a rather nice pre-fab Mexican salad rounded out the meal, along with some Publix-baked sourdough.

Too bad Bill doesn't like Soares garlic bread. Making that butter put me in the mood for it. I may just make some and eat it all me-self.

How are you today, Mom? I haven't heard any report, so I'm hoping for the best. Bill's mother is very concerned about you. He calls her every Saturday and talks for an hour or so. She's an MD, and so wants details about how you're doing. I hope having your laptop with you has provided some amusement. Wish there were some way we could set up a web cam so you could watch your bird feeders. I know that was a source of delight. (It certainly would be for me.)

I miss hearing from you just about every day, and I know the other Lotsa lurkers do too. Please get well soon.


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