Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, December 26, 2005

New Toys


A good Christmas here, though we got a late start. Champagne, crab on toast, the Soares traditions live on. I spent about nine hours cooking and dealing with the aftermath damage, but all went well. Didn't have any time to play with my new toys until very late, and then just a start. More about all this later.

Glad you had a nice social event today, Mom. And thanks for the call this morning.

Sandy, what a cool picture! I remember those candle/angel things, but not sure from where. Thanks for the puzzle! I look forward to setting up a card table, getting out the puzzle caddy, and having at.

More when it isn't after 2:00 AM.


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

We never had one as kids, but someone we knew did. I think it may have been the Drieschmans (I realize I don't know how to spell that). As for cheapie, they have become very thin and frail, even when made in Sweden, but they work just fine.


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