Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, December 29, 2005



We didn't get Blue into the shop yesterday (nor today) but we did take the GPS out for a test drive-- Bill said to pick a nearby spot, and I chose Melrose, where there is an art gallery I've been interested in finding. It was fun-- the thing works great, although it will let you miss turns and not inform you for a block or two. And in a couple of cases out in the sticks, it got confused-- but even then, it zeroed in on exactly where we were, and it was easy enough to find out way back out. It also has a nice feature that lets you just tell it to go "Home".

Didn't do much today except four loads of laundry and various odds and ends. Finished up Bill's Christmas cards. Spent way too much time on the puzzle. Dinner out.

I asked Bill what he'd like for a NY Day dinner-- he said lasagna! He's planning to go back to a week of Atkins "induction" at the first of the year, and wants a carb blowout as a send-off. He is almost at his goal of 165, his weight in college-- just another 5 pounds! It has taken 2 years to get this far, but it's been worth it. He looks and feels great. I'm proud of him for sticking with it this long. Anyway, I'll do the full-tilt lasagne number, with separately-cooked pasta, part sausage, etc. A lot of work, but nothing compared with the Bird plus trimmings thing.

I need to face up to the post-Christmas chaos. I've taken notes of the FL Missions, but haven't done any of them. All the mess is in the big room, where we don't spend too much time, so it's easy to just let it go and work on it slowly. The puzzle is in there, so at least I'm reminded that it needs attention. The artificial tree makes that easier to ignore too-- no rush to get the fire hazzard out of there.

Sleep now.


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