Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Huzzah! (D)



Poor little tyke-- how sad to be sick just as you turn 4. I can tell he's not himself, since he isn't smiling with winning charm into the camera. Will certainly send good thoughts his way. I never got his card mailed, but I guess late will be okay in this case.

Back to the tank today. They brought me a new computer, but didn't even take it out of the box. I had to decant and set it up myself. Never did get it on the network, since I have only one net drop in my cubicle. I will have to unplug and move my current monster to even test the sleek tiny new one.

Made something quite interesting for dinner tonight: Low Carb Spinach Salad Pizzas, a Leanne concoction that wasn't pizza at all, but was very good: a mixture of cream cheese, shredded cheddar, sour cream and a bit of bottled salad dressing spread on broiled portabella mushroom caps and topped with chopped spinach, minced onion, sliced hard-boiled eggs and crumpled bacon. We both loved it.

Forgot to mention what I cooked last night: a rather nice beef teriyaki stir-fry with green peppers and sliced carrots. Had this with yet another variation on cauli-rice-- simmered the stuff in chicken broth for about ten minutes, then added finely chopped pecans for a pilaf of sorts-- worked very well.

Congrats on getting your Christmas stuff finally off the decks, Mom. I'm nowhere close. There just aren't enough hours in the day when ten of them are sucked up by the job. But don't even THINK about trying to be Dan and do it all yourself-- you are older than she ever was, remember, and it makes no sense to over-exert when you are there alone.

As for "huzzah!" -- what a great word! It has many comic book associations for me, but most recently it reminds me of the antipenultimate Sandman story, "Sunday Mourning," and the twit at the Renaissance Faire booth who shouts "HUZZAH! Twenty pounds for the King!" whenever she makes a sale. Sandy will know the story.

Got some wonderful comics related books in the mail today: Masters Of American Comics, a huge coffee table sized behemoth, and Modern Arf, a wonderful compendium of the border where comics and art collide. But best of all is an out-of-print jewel by Mort Walker, The Lexicon of Comicana. He classifies and suggests fanciful names for the kind of comics visual conventions that interest me most right now. No one took him seriously at the time, but I think he and I are on the same wavelength.

I'll probably blather on about this more in the future, but for now, time to hang it up.Looks like I will work from home tomorrow. But first, a word from our sponsor: Lil' Suzy, as a kid.

Tuesday, July 22, 1952
204th Day--162 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we ate breakfast in Craig. Then we went to Steam boat Springs & over Rabbit Ear Pass. We were listening to the convention (Dem.) There is a terrific boom for Govenor Adali Stevenson of Ill. Kefauver is still strong. We went over Barthold Pass & into Denver. went on to Colorado Springs. Are sleeping at the Ace Motel. Going to Pike's Peak tom. Suzy

Sad to say, we now have reached the first break in the entries-- 204 days straight! Not bad for a 12-year old. Don't think I've done that well with any journal I've done since. A standing O for Da Kid!


At 10:33 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Huzzah for the great long Diry run!!! It seems like everything we ever did started (or was in progress) that year. What a wonderful end-of-childhood time capsule!!


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