Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Long Stormy Night (D)


How can it be after midnight already, again? Could it be the 11 hour day we put in at work today? Or maybe doing the complete Weekly Blessing tonight, including a completed load of towels? I always think that since I don't cook on Fridays, I should have tons of extra time, but somehow it doesn't work out that way.

Yesterday morning I put the last few mega-bucks into my million-dollar smile. Seriously, my teeth now look better than they ever have in my entire life. Dentistry has come a long way, and I'm lucky to be the beneficiary of it.

Worked the rest of the day at home, and we had an especially nice night at Outback. At the bar we talked with a black kindergarten teacher who has followed her daughter from Miami to Gainesville, to see her established as a music major at UF. She was delightful and inspiring, someone who obviously cares deeply about her pupils. We didn't even get her name, but maybe she'll come back again.

More progress on da Project yesterday and today. (I need to get a better name for it-- in file names I call it "Sundays.") It's very easy to shoot yourself it the foot with this kind of work, so I have to go slow and be deliberate and make many back-ups of each stage. So far so good. Knock knock.

Found out this afternoon I'm on "the list" for an upgraded computer. Oh joy. It will be better, faster, smaller and flatter, but also means I'll get to test how good my backups are. And there will we days and weeks as I have to reinstall the programs I actually use. This is the kind f slash-and-burn clean-up the FlyLady would love.

We are having a dark and stormy night here-- wind, rain, thunderstorms. Just a typical summer evening-- except that it's mid-winter! Guess that's the price we pay for having a week of the kind of winter weather that makes the snow-birds love us: clear warm days in the mid-70's, pleasant cool nights in the 50s. Spozed to get colder once this front passes through.

Plan for tomorrow is to have lunch with Ken Baxter, an old friend of mine from the '70s. He was through here about three years ago, when Bill and I both enjoyed his company, and we look forward to hearing about what he's up to now-- an architecture student turned seeker.

Got to get to bed. I have some blog comments (especially on that June '78 letter) but they will have o wait.

[Vacation symbol]
Monday, July 14, 1952
196th Day--170 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I got up and did my work. At noon Dad came home & Mom gave him lunch. Then she took me to Thelma's where I am now. We rode to the store and I got a soda. Tonite we (minus Vivian) went to the Monte Vista & saw "Flaming Feather" Forest Tucker & "Clash by Night" with Paul Douglas Barbara Stanwick Robert Ryan & Marilyn Monroe. Suzy.

[Vacation symbol]
Tuesday, July 15, 1952
179th Day--169 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Thelma & I slept in till 10:00. Thelma did her work & this afternoon we went swimming. It was just where we used to go when we were little. Thelma taught me to swim. We went home to here house had dinner & they took me home. Chris is sleeping in Sandy's bed tonite while she is at Harlows. Dad got some final figs. on House. Will start soon. Suzy


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