Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Late for the Party (D)


Worked at home today. Got back into my Sunday funny papers project-- always so hard to pick up the pieces after putting it aside for more than a day or two-- and it had been two weeks. Time to make a push, as the panel is now above the Event Horizon.

It's gotten cold again, which is fine by me. Will slow down the musky-toes a bit.

Bill came home earlier than usual from work-- his boss sent him, because his cold is so bad-- he looks and sounds awful, and couldn't get warm tonight. He should stay home tomorrow, but I bet he won't.

I fixed a thing we both like (a saute of leftover ham strips, mushrooms and chopped onion, finished with some sour cream, served over leftover cauli-rice) which is also very easy. Still keeping up with the routines. So far so good. Still need to take down the tree and the kitchen table decorations. I will not make the FL Friday party, that's for sure.

[Vacation symbol]
Tuesday, July 8, 1962
190th Day--176 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we stayed in till about 10 again. These late hours. Don't they drive you batty? I think their fun. We had scrambled eggs for breakfast. The door bell didn't ring once today. Sandy & I are fixing up a play for the Activity Club to give. It's about Porky Pig. We want work it up big. It's 12:05 A.M. Suzy

[Vacation symbol]
Wednesday, July 9, 1952
191st Day--175 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
We stayed in again as usual. We had Fried bread for breakfast. Then we went into the front yard and Sandy & I cut one side of the lawn & I clipped it. Sallie Magnen was watching us. She took us over to see her pool boy is it neat. We watched The Rep convention. "Ike" made another Major victory. We wanted to play Canasta but didn't get time. Suzy


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