Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Fire Works (D)


Just spent the time I should have been blogging going through the mechanics of contacting the Gainesville Sun about running Marla's and Leanne's columns in the paper. It would be great to see them there, and it's the least I can do to help them spread the word. I cling to my basic routines, a life raft no matter what is going on around me. Doing one thing after another always gets me through and usually kick-starts what might otherwise be a lost day. Or weekend. Or week. Love Live FlyLady!

I spent way too much time on the puzzle today, and did not do many of the wonderful things I had planned. But I did my morning routines and put dinner on the table. The chaos isn't any worse, and I actually got a few things put away. I count that as a win.

Even though it's Friday, usually cook's night off, I decided to cook anyway, since I skipped Wednesday. I had a bag of cole slaw I wanted to use, so made Unstuffed Cabbage, one of our favorites out of the 15-Minute Low Carb book. It was yummy, as always, and so easy. Also had the last of the freezer rolls from Christmas. I had planned to do the frozen unbaked lumps that you let rise for hours and then bake, I've been delighted with the Poppin' Fresh things Bill brought home by mistake. They take 6 minutes in the oven, and they are just lovely. The only problem is they take up so much room in the freezer.

Yes, the tale told in that letter to Pa and Dan had a happy ending, another 40 years full of life and adventure for Dad, but it is still heart-wrenching to read about it just now, and I can't imagine what it must have been like for Chris. I've always been impressed by the way you handled that situation, Mom; somehow you figured out what he needed just then-- to design and build another dream house. And when that was finished, the traveling began. It was well met and well done.

And now, a return to the kid's diary. I will start marking them in the title line, so they're easier to find.

[Vacation symbol]
[Date surrounded by drawings of fireworks and BANG]
Friday, July 4, 1952
186th Day--180 Days to Follow

Independence Day
Dear Diary
We cleaned up the house this morn & then had lunch down here with Brenda & Susie. While Sandy was at riding, Dan gave us $2.00 Good [x-d out: old] young Dan. We bought more fireworks. Was sandy surprised!! I had Toby at riding. We ate Dinner outside. Our cousins & Pa & Dan watched the fire works. GOOD. Suzy

[Vacation symbol]
Saturday, July 5, 1952
187th Day--179 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
We did our work this morning and after lunch we went up to Lala's house. Sandy & I are spending the week here. When Mom & Dad left we saw a grass fire out the window. After dinner we went & saw where it was. We saw movies on T.V. with George Brent, B. Rath[drawing of bone], Lorraine Day, Joel McCrea & Tom Massy. Suzy


At 2:27 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

I remember well that week at Lala's. We watched barrels of television, including the Republican National Convention, during which Lala rooted for Taft, and we rooted for Ike. I think we liked chanting "I like Ike." The Demo convention we listened to in the car during the Iowa trip, chanting "Estes is the bestest, but I like Ike." Pa and Dan must have loved that.

It'd be nice to have Marla and Leanne in the paper.

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

The little trash can deletes a comment.


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