Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Puzzlin' (D)


It wasn't so bad going back to work. Maybe it was because getting only five hours of sleep dulled my senses. Maybe it was because the town is still deserted-- classes don't actually start until next week. Maybe it was because hardly anyone was in the office, so the new problems didn't come piling in on top of the old ones stacked up from two weeks off. Or some combination fo all three, most likely. In any case, I got through all the email, worked on all the open tickets, and even surprised myself by figuring out something I'd been putting off asking for help with-- as I composed the email with my questions about how to do it, I tried various things, and by the time I was finished, I'd actually done it myself. This is a very good feeling.

So far so good with the routines. Got all the morning ones done and was ready to go in plenty of time. (The novelty of pre-work routines will surely wear off soon, though.) Ditto tonight-- dishes all done, drainboards clean, sink shiny. Go Me! (I should put a gold star on the calendar). I also spent time working on a stopped up bathroom sink drain. Got it working well enough to put off a call to Pat the Plumber.

Bill is fighting yet another cold. We will put off taking Blue into the shop one more time. I'm going to do my day at home tomorrow, as I have some phone calls to make (no place to do this at work).

We got home late again, so dinner was late also. I made a recipe we love from 15 Minute Low Carb, "Seriously Spicy Chicken" and it was wonderful. Had it with cauli-rice, and on the side, last night's eggplant, zucchini and some broccoli from earlier served room temp with the wonderful yogurt/ feta sauce. Good grub.

Only spent 15 minutes on the puzzle tonight, but what a great 15 it was-- after being completely stuck yesterday, I sat down picked up the first piece and put it right in. This continued for the next 17 pieces I picked up, and after one miss, another 4! This is an incredible streak, and very satisfying. I'm sure it will be back to Frustration 'R Us next time, but it was great fun. (And anyone who is not a puzzler must think I'm completely daft.)

Watching Orange Bowl (sorta). Reading five books simultaneously, each one in a different room of the house. I had a QPBC "error" this month and got two books I did not want. They are both wonderful! One is The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, the other Zorro by Isabel Allende. The latter hooked me right away with a map of the California missions at the beginning, the former by being so easy to read and yet so unusual. The other three are ones I've been poking along with and enjoying: The System of the World (Neal Stephenson), Shadow Boxing (Eddie Muller) and To Sound Like Yourself by W.D. Snodgrass. And that's my book report. Thank you.

Back in 1952, the girls are up in Hillsdale, a subdivision newly carved into the windy foothills to the west of San Mateo, at Lala's house. She indulges them shamelessly. They dissipate enthusiastically-- as well they should! Soon they will under the stern eye of Pa and Dan for weeks on end.

[Vacation symbol]
Sunday, July 6, 1952
188th Day--178 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we met Sallie Magnan age 4. What a character. She & a girl named Nancey just love our Toni Dolls. We have been trying to duck her all day. We read comics for a good part of the day. Tonite we watched T.V. Movies. Pooie. "Silver Queen," George Brent also "Born to Gamble". Both crummy. Suzy

[Vacation symbol]
Monday, July 7, 1952
189th Day--177 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
We got up at about 10:00 this morning cause we went to bed so late last nite. We had hot cakes for breakfast. Peggy brought her baby over and we stayed with it /him while she shopped. We stayed up late again to watch "Gentleman Joe Palooka" It was real good. It is about 1:00 A.M. Suzy


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