Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Fresh Salt Ahead


I too worked on getting my FL routines back on track. Sheets and towels, swiffered the floors, put away the window decorations, the card display and the snow scene. (Sorry I never got a picture of the snow-- I remembered that after it was too late.) Got some of the trash from the big room tossed, gathered up the stocking food things to take to work. Spent some time with the calendar getting the month scoped out. Etc.

I made Leanne's Pork Diane, had grilled eggplant with yogurt sauce (from a recent FC Q&D-- made it before, and it was wonderful, as before) and cut some zucchini I needed to use into spears and broiled them, painted with olive oil and sprinkled with parmesan--pretty good.

I wasn't serious about you having a cat, Mom. But it's too bad they don't have services for cats and dogs the way they do for your fish-- now THAT would make pet ownership fun!

Thanks for filling in the rest of the story about that bad spell. It is truly amazing (and inspiring) how you both fought your way back and had such a long, good life together for all that time.

Watching the Sugar Bowl. It's raining like crazy, a big thunderstorm-- very warm, and mosquitos everywhere. Very annoying.

Back to the salt mines tomorrow. It could be worse, as I've checked in every day or so to deal with the spam on my work account, but it will be bad enough. My calendar shows a meeting at 10:00, but I wonder if anyone will show up.

My excitement at completing my first paper Sudoku was short-lived. I totally blew the second one-- and there is nothing for it except to erase it all and start over, which I haven't had the heart to do yet. I started another (easy) one, but I'm stuck. Looking forward to getting a nice, easy Tuesday crossword tomorrow to ease my sorrows and low puzzle self-esteem.

Speaking of which, I'm still struggling away with the jigsaw. It's gotten really hard-- I'd guess an average of three minutes between pieces.


At 7:05 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

"ooo nooo!" I'm sorry the puzzle is too hard!

I was pleased last summer when, after that was what I said when I made a bad golf shot, Ruth immediately responded, "Mr. Bill!"

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Suzy said...

I say "ooo nooo!" all the time, since of course I have my own Mr. Bill to say it to!


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