Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Life Without TiVo


Manic Monday again, and not enough sleep; must do better tonight, so will keep this brief and skip the diary.

What a foul day of football yesterday. I am 0 for 4 with teams I was pulling for this weekend. Snort. But in the course of looking for the Hallmark Channel (in order to check out the Dick Van Dyke vehicle they were airing-- which was unwatchably bad) I discovered we DO indeed get the NFL channel. Oh dear. This will let me watch meta-football any time of the day or night! At least during the play-offs, that will probably be my background noise of choice while cooking.

And speaking of tubing, last night I was forced to watch new episodes of "The West Wing" and "The L-Word" LIVE! The horror! Life without TiVo is the pits. Actually, it's not so bad-- the fact that those two happened to air the same night was pretty weired, since they're about the only ones I care enough about to watch. We lost interest in "Desperate Housewives" (not sure why), and there's not much else.

Back to slogging through work. Next Monday is a holiday, the last before the dreaded Great Holiday Drought between MLK and Memorial days. The last such dry spell I'll have to endure, I'm happy to remember.

Bill is better, and never did completely lose his voice, but is having trouble making himself heard, and his cough is bad. He went to work today, of course, but at least we got home at a decent hour. I made something that by any reasonable standard should be called a failure-- Greek veggie-burgers that refused to coalesce into burger-form and got very dry when I cooked them too long. Topped with diced sauted onions, zucchini and tomatoes flavored with mint, it turned into a kind of dish that tasted pretty good, and Bill actually liked. Had leftover Tuscan soup with this.

Time to go fold the towels. I got the sheets changed tonight also (the cat had staked her claim to the unmade bed before work this morning). Spent many 15 minute sessions Sunday de-decorating the tree. Didn't quite finish, though-- the tree is empty and ready to be put away, but I still have a card table covered with the hard to wrap stuff that does not have individual boxes. No time to spend on it tonight.

I'm forgetting something. Oh well, will pick it up tomorrow.


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