Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Marty Here...

Marty here - thought I'd share a few Benjamin 4th birthday comments and pictures. Poor Ben is sick today. He started last week with the icky cold that's always circulating the daycare center this time of year. He seemed to be fine for the most part, until Sunday, when he started to run a bit of a fever and cough a lot. I thought he was okay enough to go to daycare yesterday, even though he felt a little warm to me. He was acting fine, and was happy to get dressed and go. Well, I got halfway to work, and I got a call that I needed to turn around and pick him up because his temp was 101. So I spent the day at home with him yesterday. He was already scheduled for a check-up, so we took him in and the doctor thought his lungs sounded crackly. So she prescibed antibiotics and said otherwise he's a normal, healthy 4 year-old. He was happy to get in bed last night, but when I checked on him at about 10:30, as I was going to bed, he felt VERY hot to me. I checked his temp - 104.9! He was very hard to wake up and seemed to be feeling really lousy - breathing fast and eyes rolling around. I knew I had to get his temp down fairly fast or I would have to take him to the ER. We gave him some ibuprofen and I started sponging him. Finally after about an hour or so, he was down to 101. I went to bed but got up every hour to check on him. Nate stayed home with him today, while I went to work in zombie mode, having had very little sleep. Poor kid - he was supposed to have a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese tonight, but his temp never went below 100 today. It has been back up as high as 104 a couple of times. he has barely eaten since noon Sunday, but is getting some fluids. If the fever does not break by tomorrow morning I will call the doctor and probably take him in again.

Nate tried to tempt him with McDonald's Chicken Nuggets for dinner tonight (usually a fave) but even that did not make him eat. He did blow out the candles on the sorry grocery store cake slice Nate brought home, but of course Ben could not be convinced to eat any. (He really doesn't eat cake, even on a good day.)

Here are the pictures of Ben's sad little 4th birthday "celebration."

I will be working from home tomorrow - luckily I have a project I can do from home right now. Keep ypur fingers crossed for Ben to be better soon so we can celebrate his birthday for real.


At 10:30 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Poor Ben! I was hoping to see him this week and cobble up some kind of birthday treat or present. I'll wait now until he's better. Kid germs can be terrible for us old folks.


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