Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, June 04, 2006



I, too, enjoyed the stuff you found on the net about Chris, Mom. And I hope everyone saw Chris' comment to your post last night. I'm lucky, since as owner, I get notified whenever anyone comments on anything. I'll try to remember to post an comment alert here.

I'm so glad to hear you are continuing practicing the organ. What a wonderful routine to be acquiring. There should be some sort of very special sticker when you do that. For Nordic too. I do hope you will be careful wandering around outside, though. Please always take a walking stick of some sort AND your cell phone.

Also, I notice that this year's hurricanes also include "Sandy." I feel so left out! Of course, there is no way Suzy and Sandy could ever appear in the same year.

Loved the latest garden update, Sandy. Wonderful pictures! They really add so much. Someday I must take the time to make myself more digital-camera literate. Pretty sad that I'm the owner of two picture-taking devices and master of none.

And what a nightmare Visitation! I can't believe these people arrived unannounced and had the nerve to videotape without permission. It reminds me of scenes in LoTR where the Sackville-Baggins come sniffing around. Maybe you should see a lawyer about this.

Last night I did the Salmon from FC #79 Q&D-- most excellent. The cat is usually luke-warm about salmon, and turns up her nose entirely at anything citrusy-- but whe went berserk over this-- squeeked up a storm as she ate, and couldn't get enough. Very surprising! Tonight I made a Leanne thing I've done before, Italian Skillet Chicken (topped with an onion/ red pepper/ zucchini mixture stir-fried in wine). Since Publix didn't have any spaghetti squash, I substituted braised cabbage shreds as a base-- except I didn't add enough liquid and they got a bit crispy. Didn't seem to hurt the overall dish, though. Bill loved it. I separately fried up the little pieces I'd cut off the chicken for the cat-- she appreciated the all-meat crispy critters.

I finished Digging to America late last night, which is my excuse for not blogging. I must say, it is my favorite Anne Tyler since Ladder of Years, which I've re-read 4-5 times, plus listening to it in the car. I know I will be re-reading this one multiple times too. For reasons that are entirely mysterious, it knocked me right between the eyes. I was surprised to find it on the NYT best seller list-- somehow, I fantasize that Tyler is my own Baltimore-based secret. Apparently not.

Bill did indeed work long and hard both Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, ALL four of the newly certified elevators failed, the final failure trapping the eleveator repair guy! This meant that the Directors and their immediate minions, also working over the weekend, had to carry stuff down the stairs in the old building (for Bill, this meant four floors) and up the stairs in the new building-- to floor FIVE! Bill is used to having to walk up and down to his office multiple times daily, but even he suffered leg cramps last night. Only one of the elevators was working today, so this means there will have to be a delay in further moves of staff for at least two days, and at least a week in getting the books move started. Bummer squared.

As for me, I'm not moving anywhere-- I'll be in my cube office in the old building for the duration. I feel a bit like a prisoner who's been granted parole, but it doesn't take effect for another four months. And everyone else in the slammer knows it, so it's not worth making any alliances or deals with me. The worst part is the boredom. I don't even have the dubious pleasure of digging a tunnel-- all I have to do is wait it out.

LATER: I see you've posted meanwhile, Mom. Frankie Laine is still alive and singing! Amazing. I remember him very well, and many of his tunes still haunt my inner jukebox.


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