Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, June 02, 2006



Good grief-- you still have CA habits, Mom? Who'da thunk it? I'd have thought all that had been washed out of your system long since. At any rate, your day sounds very productive to me-- I would be proud to have such a day. And I agree that a sprinkler system is a very good idea. There is one here, but it has never worked-- it's very complicated and is hooked to an old well. (We are on city water.) I've often thought about getting it working, or putting in a new one, but it just isn't done in this neighborhood. No one waters their lawn, so during dry spells, they all look similarly awful. Besides, no one really wants to be too closely involved with a Florida lawn in the summer.

Yesterday I got a look at how much morning sun there is on my garden plot in the morning, now that the sweet gum is gone. Amazing! I may actually get some edible things out of it this time next year. And it should be even better in the fall/winter, when leaves come off.

Thanks for the garden update, Sandy. Such vicarious pleasures, hearing about what is being planted and how it is progressing. Next year I want to share in both the work and the actual harvest. All except for Strawberries: Bah, humbug. If you think they're worth it, I will add "of the strawberries" to your saintly title. I'm sure it will sound wonderful in French.

I, too, think this one (#79) of the better Fine Cooking issues. I appreciate the reviews of what you try and how it is. I still haven't finalized next week's plan, but I'll try to include at least one item from it, probably on Sunday. Probably one of the chopped salads.

The move into the new building is officially in full swing. Two departments have already moved, and the Directors (including Bill) and their staff are moving over the weekend-- which means Bill will have to go in both days, both to oversee things and to get himself and his stuff moved. After lunch today, I went with him on one of his walks through to check various things out-- amazing how much more polished things are from just a few weeks ago. It is such an exciting space now, especially compared with the old Library West. Can't wait to take Mom and Sandy on a tour when you visit next time.

Please, hurricanes Florence and Chris-- spin yourselves silly way out to sea. We've had enough. We surrender. Uncle. It's just not fun anymore. We will dutifully stock up on the required supplies, and our new vehicle will act as a minor generator in a pinch, but we'd rather not. And to think there was a time when I thought hurricanes were.. exciting! I now know better.

Got the weekly Blessings done yesterday. Got most of the bills written tonight. Things are in decent shape, which is good enough for me. Reading Digging to America has been enjoyable... so far! Who knows what Anne Tyler will spring on you before she's through? I hope for the best.

Someday again I'll be plugged into current TV. But I must say, I've been enjoying the media blackout imposed by our blackbox being out of commission. So much more guilt free time to waste on reading! Maybe unplugged isn't so bad afterall...


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