Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lotsa Lore


The new Fine Cooking arrived today-- I only had to flip through it, not knowing the page, to spot Sandy's "C'est moi!" reference. That's quite a striking picture, and certainy captures the essence of what you've been doing. Enjoyed today's post too, with the daily details of the final push. And you've been teaching me new words: guanciale and buccatini. Italian is so lovely.

Thanks for the additional baseball lore, Mom. It really must be in the blood-- both of your grandfathers. If I remember correctly, Grandma used to listen to baseball on the radio too. And no wonder you were always cold; I remember the weather always being cold and damp in Berkeley and Oakland when we were growing up, much colder than it was in Los Altos.

Not much of a day, working at home. Did some studying and list making about what needs to be done for retirement. The hard deadlines for most of it aren't until the end of October, but I'd like to get it squared away before then.

Managed to get the Blessings and the towels squeezed in this afternoon. Then Outback tonight, which is why my brain isn't all here. Vacation tomorrow and all next week. How handy that FL has just started a new Super Fling Boogie-- Bill is psyched up about it, and wants to see how many pounds of stuff we can get rid of. I think a ton would be a nice goal...


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