Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sixteen (+51) Candles


There was a birthday I'd just as soon forget. Still sick in the morning, better in the afternoon, but not enough to go out. We will go the the play at the Hipp next Saturday, dinner after.

The weather was so bad it knocked out the satellite. We were able to watch the end of the World Series-- sorry it ended after just 5 games, but happy that our local boy Eckstein was MVP. TiVo is fubar without the satellite, so no recording of Battlestar Galactica. Good thing the SciFi channel repeats it numerous times Friday night so I caught one of them live.

The nice part of the day was Bill's gift: a twin to his latest device-- a Sprint 6700 Power PC/phone. It has a keyboard that slides out the side, lets you turn the thing sideways to act like a mini-pc, and basically does everything. As I seem to remember Lucy saying about a new swing/gym set in some long ago Peanuts, I'm scared to death of the darn thing. But I will learn. Okay, so I never completely learned my previous phone, but this time will be different...

I felt much better this morning, and so ventured out in the afternoon to shop. This probably was a mistake: too much too soon. Publix was very crowded and hectic and noisy. It took forever. When trying to get disposable litterbox down from a cramped upper shelf, I managed to knock out the flourescent light fixture above it. Other fun things.

By the time I got home I was sneezing and wheezing again, but had to fix dinner since I had some fresh monk fish. What a drag: wash hands; chop a little; grab kleenex, sneeze; deal with post-sneeze effluvia; wash hands... repeat endlessly. I managed to put a meal on the table, but since I couldn't taste anything, I can't personally vouch for its edibility. Bill and Carrot did not complain, but then again, they're very tolerant.

Your beautiful crocus card arrived today, Mom. They continue to dazzle, and everyone who sees one of your cards can't believe they were done with a scanner.

Last night's long hard rain was very welcome, as it eased the fire danger we're having. Today was in the 60's again, which probably didn't do my cold much good, but was nice, nonetheless.

I finished Strange/Norrell at last, and I loved the way it turned out. Perfect. I'd been annoyed with the way things seemed to be going when I last stopped reading, but need not have worried. Susanna Clarke knows what she's doing, and did not disappoint. Great read! And Sandy, as you suggest, I'm sure it will a great listen too.

Let the record show (there is still a record, isn't there?) that I kept up basic routines this week, and so am not TOO aghast at the thought of entertaining Doug next weekend, or the one after. Bill is interested in some sort of shorts and sandals around holiday time, and that would suit me fine.


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