Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dancing Dog


Good news for your birds, Mom-- and for you, not having to risk life and limb to attend to them.

The journey of 1,000 miles, etc: I did a 5-minute room rescue in the worst room (walk-in attic) that was actually like 15 minutes. But at least one small armload is out of there, sorted and either dumped or shredded. It would not be noticed by anyone but me, but it is the first items of any size that have gone OUT of there in a long time. Just one of these per day, and by next year, I will regain that space. I came across some images recently of when I last had control there, and they threatened to break my heart. I decided to use them as inspiration: I did it before, and I can do it again.

The crock pork thing was okay-- it did make the house smell nicely of garlic and rosemary all day. The leftovers should make good shredded pork stuff-- as usual, it couldn't really be sliced.

Got the 5th (of 6) Blessing done today-- lowered my coffee table stack to a manageable level. Never did 5 in one week before. If I can attack the kitchen floor for 15 minutes tomorrow, I'll have my first ever full 60 minute Home Blessing sixfecta. Stay tuned.

Another first: I watched some daytime TV: Stewart/Colbert. Now that the political system is showing signs of life, I felt ready to have a laugh at it. And it is wonderfully funny.

But even stranger, Bill wanted to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. Emmit Smith, UF alum and NFL superstar, was a finalist. Ordinarily, who cares? But since the first choice as speaker at the new library's dedication, the Librarian of Congress, will be out of the country, the somewhat whimsical suggestion of inviting Emmit to speak suddenly seems like an inspired bit of lunacy-- so off-the-wall it just might work! Ordinarily I'd rather gouge my own eyes out than look at something like this, but we watched an entire half hour segment. Emmit has such extraodinary charm, and has obviously worked so hard, it's mesmerizing. As Bill says, he's kind of like a dancing dog -- the fact that he can dance at all is amazing. (The other "amateur" finalist is an actor who's obviously been dancing all his life.) Win or lose, what a hoot it would be to have him dedicate the new campus Palace of Learning. He is a genuine Gator Graduate, who came back to finish his degree because he promised his mama. It'll never happen, but what a sweet thought.

It's cold here. (Well, never made it out of the low 70's.) And supposed to get colder by the end of the week. (Oooh, oooh, lower 40's, brrrr!) But still we have active and very pissed-off mosquitos. What a strange ecosystem this is.


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