Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Free Time


Good grief, Mom-- Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, even if you aren't churchy. Your day sounds very relaxing. And how many times do I need to remind you that solitaire and crosswords are NOT "time wasters" -- they are mental calesthenics! Research proves this! So enjoy the exercises without guilt.

I slept late. (No guilt-- it is Sunday). I watched pre-football and football. (Ditto.) Then, very late, I straggled out to shop, bought pre-fab stuff to eat tonight. (Double ditto.) I call that a GREAT day, and refuse to listen to those inner voices that say I wasted it. Didn't get any more decluttering done in the kitchen, either. So what? I'll get to it eventually.

A week or two ago I bought a roll of freezer tape and started identifying and dating everything I put in the fridge. This has made it much easier to both use what's there and pitch what's obviously past it. Plus, it cuts down the paralyzing Fear of Fridge, which centers on WHAT might be in that container...? Doesn't take that long to do this marking, and well worth it.

Last night I did watch some vid: the 7th season of West Wing came out last week. I'd seen ever episode of the previous 6 seasons, and about half of the 7th-- got behind, some TiVo problems, and I was relectant to see it end, and face up to John Spencer's death. Always a double whammy when an actor in an active TV series dies. I absolutely loved today's Candorville strip: I cried bitter tears when I heard about the death of the actor who played G'Kar on Bab5-- he was one half of the beating heart of that series (the other being Londo Mollari).

Anyway, I did start Season 7 of WW from the top last night, and it was so wonderful I watched two episodes. Watched a third tonight after finishing the kitchen and sink routines, and plan to watch another when I finish this. Who cares if it's half past midnight? I'm FREE!


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