Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

tofu (R)

I should check and see how to put in the red R. If you want to do it, Suze, that'd be great. So here's the tofu recipe:

Sesame-crusted Tofu

12 oz block firm tofu (if it's packed in water, drain it)

Cut it into 1/2 inch slices (the long way)

Place the slices in a non-stick frying pan (critical that it be a non-stick in good condition!), no oil, over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes on each side. It acts funny and jumps around. This is the cosmetic browning, so don't take it out too soon. It's hard to turn without breaking, so be careful. Transfer to a plate and let cool.

In a bowl (or a flat thingy for breading things), mix 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup milk, 1/4 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper.

In another flat thing, mix 1/4 cup plain bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons white sesame seeds and 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds (keep sesame seeds in the fridge or freezer; they get rancid fast) and 1/4 tsp salt.

Dip slices first in liquid and then in crumbs.

Heat a tablespoon or so of oil in the skillet (wipe it out first) over medium heat. Cook tofu slices for about 3 minutes on each side.


The "slats" blocking the windows in the photo were siding boards warming up prior to painting. They were only there for a day (to dry after being painted, too), but I thought it gave the kitchen an interesting look. Charlie is putting siding on the garage, making us look quite civilized, at least from the street.

Last night's dinner was a casserole I got from the Fargo Forum years ago. It's layered cabbage, onions, raw bacon and sliced potatoes, with a little chicken stock poured over it and some cheddar on top. Sounds weird and like it'd be terribly greasy, but it's really good. I used something called cottage bacon (a little less fat than regular bacon, but regular bacon works, too) from Louie's Finer Meats, a shop in Cumberland where everyone stops on their way to and from Up North. I was at a school in Cumberland yesterday.

Today I went to observe a junior high art class (my, I'm getting diverse) in Woodbury and picked up a few things at Kowalski's. Stocking up on meat for the month of November. Also ordered the Thanx turkey. They have good free-range fresh birds there.

The weather is cold and nasty. It dawned clear and cold, then turned cloudy and cold, with a few odd snowflakes now and then. God, the beginning of November. Five months of winter ahead. Ish.

My new housework system is still working (on day 3). Wednesday is kitchen day (though I clean the kitchen every day, Wednesday is the Extra Effort in the Kitchen day), and I had about an hour and fifteen minutes to work on it before I had to leave. I'm thinking that it is actually possible to keep up the house while I'm going to schools. And after next week I'll have a break of a couple of weeks or so. I have seven students, and I have to see each of them a little more often than once a month. It works out. I'm enjoying driving around in my new car, but I don't know what I'll do when I'm done with S/N. It'll be hard to find something else that will engage me so thoroughly and for so long.

We had no tricky treaters last night, as usual. We left a light on, but even though we have a little housing development across the road and there are kids there, no one comes over. Afraid of strange old people, I guess. We're always a little disappointed (we loved the kids in costume in RF), but we get to eat the candy, in this case little wrapped squares of dark Dove chocolate, very good.

Martini time!


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