Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, October 30, 2006

You Will Be Assimilated


Cat on my lap, football on the tube. Doesn't get any better than this-- at least as a situation for blogging. Alas, the Vikes are being shredded.

Instead of the weekly Blessings, I spent the time decluttering the kitchen table and the area under the microwave; this latter had not been done for several years, since we stocked a ton of bottled water during our bad hurricane year. It's not an obvious improvement, but I can notice the difference. Got the towels done too.

Finished The Mermaid Chair. It definitely reads better than the TV movie adaption played. You might like it, Mom.

We continue to have colder than normal weather. When I changed sheets yesterday, I put on the electric blanket. We never plug it in, but Bill likes the weight of the wires. Along with the loose-weave LL Bean blanket as insulation, it makes quite a warm sleep-cover.

I'm going to have to go into work tomorrow. The Systems crew got tired of waiting for me to clear off my computer and relocated it to be "shared" with someone else. Need to do the rescue before the inevitable accident happens. I'm not ready! I don't want to think about going in regularly to work with the comics yet. I don't think.

Dunno what I'll do for dinner-- guess it will be something with frozen shrimp. Tonight I made lamburgers. Couldn't find a print of the recipe, and with no printer, I had to search for it on Leanne's website, then bring the laptop into the kitchen! A new twist on online cooking.

I continue learning my new gadget. It has mini versions of MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, plus email, IM, wireless web access, on and on. Much better camera than my stand-alone digital camera. Plays mp3's, audiobooks, and video clips. Oh yeah, it makes phone calls too. For that, I have a tiny Bluetooth earpiece with mike, so I don't even have to have the thing in my hand-- it just has to be within about 30 feet for me to use the phone. We are Borg.


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