Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, October 29, 2006



Hey, it's Sunday. That's a day to be lazy if ever there was one. And recuperating from a broken bone does not count as being lazy.

Football day here. I don't care what the commercials say: it's TODAY that it's all about the pigskin, not Monday. Jags won (amazingly enough), astonished to watch Oakland beat the Steelers, and glad to see the hated Panthers go down, even it was Dallas that did the job.

I'm better, still bursts of heroic sneezing, but not nearly so relentless. I did my usual things: changed (and laundered) sheets, cooked dinner, got the kitchen back to fighting shape.

Dinner was a beef broccoli stir fry over cauli-rice. Not particularly memorable. Not planning any heroic cooking this week, since it was such a slow start.

Bill and Carrot are napping, and I'm getting sleepy too. Feels like 1:30, but of course thanks to the semi-annual clock scramble, it's officially only 12:30. Will take another week for this to feel natural.

G'night everybody!


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