Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Calendar Challenged


What a strange day. We both forgot all about our theater date tonight-- Bill was involved in his game, I was entralled by Lisey's Story. I'd noticed it on the calendar this morning, but figured I'd have plenty of time to get ready when I heard him stirring around, so paid no attention to the clock. (It was a 5:00 performance). A great big D'oh!

We even have the calendar hanging in the kitchen now where we both can see it. I was enormously pleased when Bill not only put his next three dentist appointments on it, but actually used the little tooth stickers too! Need to make it more of a habit to look at it several times a day.

I did finish that fookin' booook. A real page turner, and I love King's writing style, but don't think I'll be reading this one again. Too much awfulness. But I'm still one foot into that world and it will take a couple of days to shake it, I suspect.

I hadn't planned a meal, or shopped, but could have thrown together a frittata or done dogs 'n' kraut, but we decided to go down the road to our Thai place. Lots of traffic, all headed south, all aftermath of the Gator game with South Carolina. (Gators won by one point.)

Will need to go shopping tomorrow and miss some of Pigskin Day, alas. It's quite fall-like here finally, so will think about roasting something in the oven just for the heat. Still need to put that 30 minutes into decluttering the kitchen. Then on to the bathroom and "one other room," my study. Both are in superficially good shape because of Doug's visit, but there are piles of stuff in the study that got stash & dashed that now needs attention. 15 minutes a day on it is all the FL asks, which seems reasonable enough.

One excellent accomplishment last week was decluttering the shoes in my closet. Tossed about 1/3 of them, put 1/3 that I almost never wear in a sack, which left just those I actually wear, and they fit nicely on the four shoe shelves in there. I did this to clear space for Doug to hang stuff up-- but of course, being here less than a day, he had nothing to hang up!

Wish it weren't quite so late: I feel in the mood for a movie. Maybe an episode of something. I know if I try to read another word, my eyes will fall out.


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