Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Primed Pump


Congrats on your progress, Mom. I'm impressed-- especially since I made none at all. Never got out to do my errands, which slows everything else down.

I did manage to write my name on every card. Now if I can just get Bill to add his, we'll be one step closer to clearing out the card clutter. He insists on signing for himself.

Thanks for letting me know Thea got her gift. I hate calling her to ask. Now if only Sandy's gift would emerge from Internet limbo. I fear I'll have to write that one off. Maybe I can go back to my original idea, and have that to her by her birthday. Yeah, right. Dream on.

Oh, here's some news: today, Scooba-DO! Bill came across a baby syringe, the item iRobot is supposedly sending us, and gave it a try. It primed the baby's pump, and he scurried around, spreading water for the first time. Had to repeat the procedure, but he did finally get through the whole cycle-- and I must admit, he did a pretty darn good job on the bathroom floor. We're both impressed. The true test will be when we turn him loose in the kitchen.

Finally made the browned cauliflower with olives, anchovies, capers and all things salty. I thought it was lovely. Bill found it a bit on the salty side, but liked it. Had this with a pulled pork recipe consisting mainly of butter and Worcester sauce-- good way to use the leftover pork roast I found in the freezer. Spozed to go on hamburger buns, but we low-carbies skip that part.

Finished The Murder Room. Now I'm deep into some Battlestar Galactica books that arrived from Amazon today. It feels strange to be back in the grip of a current TV show-- starved for any bit of intelligence I can collect about a dense and demanding long-form work. Very rewarding, actually.

Will be glad when the holidays are over and a normal cycle of weekdays returns. My daily routines are reasonably intact, but the weeklies are shot to hell. Sheets and towels are current, but the blessings fell by the wayside. Still ahead, the drudgery of putting the tree and decorations away. Will start that on Wild Card Weekend. Football makes a great sound track for it.

And so, to bed. I hope. Last night I seem to have taken a dive into the sofa sometime around 1:00 and didn't crawl to bed until after 4:00. There is just no hope that I'll ever get my sleep cycle reset to an approximation of my fellow humans.


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