Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Muddling Through


I made some progress on cards too: I found some. It wasn't easy--the past few years I've gotten them at Book Gallery, an independent new/used bookshop in the Millhopper area. Not this year: they had exactly one design left, and it was too weird even for me ("Is that possible?" Bill asks.). It looked like a paper doll chain of 50's era rocket ships decorated with metallic flowers in bright primary colors. Fascinating, but not exactly Christmas-y.

I resisted the urge to panic, run in circles, scream and shout. I started going into every store: drug store, craft shop, Publix, the cooking store. No luck-- if they had any cards at all they were unbearably cute or maudlin. Thought I might pick up stamps at the branch P.O. there, but the lines were out the door.

Finally went into Upper Crust, and of course, nothing but single cards. But I doggedly wandered through the whole store, looking for stocking stuffers, and Lo! in the very back corner, a couple of boxes of beautiful cards for the Met Museum of Art-- and one I loved at first site-- a Japanese print. You will see it soon.

Picked up some stone crab at the fish market-- the season is short and it's expensive, so this is a once a year indulgence. Had this with braised asparagus tips and a rather strange cuke salad recipe I found on the Net: with sliced tomatoes, minced red onion, lots of lime juice and some cayenne pepper. Rather good actually.

The Tree is done, or at least as done as it's going to get this year. The last thing I put on are those large plastic icicles from several years ago-- I think I sent some to you, Mom. I don't do tinsle, because of the cat, but these give at least a hint of that shiny/drippy stuff. Tree looks rather nice, and I love each and every ornament that Bill put on himself.

Your Christmas day dance card looks pretty full. Hope you enjoy it all. And thanks for reminding me that if we're going to have the requested Champagne breakfast, I need to score some Champagne in the next few days. To say nothing of whatever it is I decide to cook for it.

The weather here is disgustingly beautiful-- great for getting around and shopping, but not for the holiday mindset-- in the low 80's by late afternoon, clear, low humidity. Sigh. We'll just have to muddle through.


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