Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Serious Elfing


Up early, worked like a rabid dog all day, and now too pooped to peep. Progress was made, but head is not exactly above water either. Couple more days like today, maybe.

Mom, glad you are back in the fight today. And I just want you to know that you indirectly made Bill a very happy man tonight. I will tell you about it in email, as I don't want to publish any Santa's Elf secrets to the world just now...

In fact, much of what I did today falls into that classified Elf-category. Still have no cards, though I did rough out what I think of as the Annual Report to enclose with them.

I also interviewed myself for a library newsletter announcing my retirement. The questions were submitted via email, I have control over both the questions and the answers. This is what passes for journalism these days. Not that I'm complaining in this case, though!

Bill and I discovered tonight that we disagree on the definition of "fried chicken." I did it according to instructions Sandy gave to me in 1973, which she received from Pa: floured, fried for a long time in a whole lot of butter and a little oil. To Bill, this was "sauteed" chicken; his idea of "fried" requires that the fat rise above the chicken pieces. To me, this is called "DEEP fried." Whatever, the result of the grease-fest was enjoyed by one and all, as were some beautiful fresh-snapped (by me) blanched green beans, and lots leftover for a later treatment with bacon and mushrooms. And there will be cold fried chicken too, which is what I think the dish is all about.

And while on the subject of cooking, the latest issue of John Thorne's wonderful Simple Cooking newsletter has what I think is his greatest essay yet -- about the rise of the celebrity Chef and cooking as entertainment. If I can find it online, I'll post a link-- everyone who reads this blog will enjoy it.

Our tree remains about half decorated, but there's a week to go. Inspired by Sandy, I'm thinking I'll do ribs for Christmas Eve. When I asked Bill what he'd like for Christmas dinner, he replied that he thought the Christmas morning tradition of Champagne was a great start. :-)

Wonderful that Nate and Marty got to see a Packers victory yesterday-- at least I assume they saw it-- report, please! We watched the first half of the Jag's meltdown, and could see the writing on the subway wall. Switched to the Pack game, and searched in vain for pictures of your smiling faces in the stands. Hope you had a wonderful time. And though it's annoying to think about Brett hanging it up ever, I confess I love hearing the Stones' "The Last Time" coming over the TV. Oh weren't they splendid way back then?


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