Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Let's Hear It For Books


I'm still here, but with neither Bill nor a job to anchor me, in a bit of free fall. Good thing there are still the FlyLady routines to fall back on. Morning and Evening done, towels, sheets, etc. And I spent a long time on the phone getting retirement stuff straightened out, with some success.

Tomorrow I need to go out and prove to various entities that I am indeed married (fax and show the certificate in person) and some other stuff such as get a haircut, checkout the new Fresh Market store, and do some minimal shopping. I have it written down.

What I will NOT do is buy any more DVD sets until I determine if the medium is inherently unstable or if my player is failing. Most annoying to find stuff bought only a few years ago all but unwatchable now.

Good old books. They seem to keep forever, given benign neglect. I'm now caught up with the complete Peanuts collection (through 1962), and have a vast and semi-organized comics library ready for study, enjoyment, and casual perusal.

Many of the Peanuts strips involve snow and its unpredictablity. Every time I read one, I think of you, Mom. Despite your claims that you don't care anymore, I detect signs that the little girl in you still cares very much. And all three of your kids have inherited the same love/hate of the fluffy white stuff.

How can it possibly be nearly 2:00 AM already? Time is totally freaky on this planet. Was hoping to get the haircut done in the morning, meaning six hours of sleep max. Why am I still awake?


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