Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, November 26, 2006



I woke. I shopped. I cooked. I processed food on various levels.

Nothing from the EdC tonight. I attempted a Leanne fish dish and failed-- I should know better than to try anthing iwht "Crusted" in the title-- as usual, the crust was left in the pan. Sure, it tasted wonderful after the fact, when I scraped it up from the skillet and ate it standing at the stove, but it would have been so much better if it had actually been attached to the fish! I need to go to crust school-- something basic is missing. Since the 12-inch cast iron skillet was still around after having served as the turkey pan, I used it, hoping it might solve my crust problem. No joy. Of course, chosing cod as the fish (an hour in a very spicy marinade) was clueless too. Bill and the cat were happy with the messy pile of stuff I served, but I was appalled.

On a happier note, the shopping went well, and all the stuff I bought has been put away properly. I made the ur- Cucumber in Sour Cream recipe, using some of the wonderful leftover chives (and some about-to-expire cukes) and a batch of Tex Mex Cole Slaw (using the about-to-expire cabbage mix).

Ah yes, and the flour. Some of me plans include whole wheat flour. A very small amount of whole wheat flour. Alas, the smallest amount of whole wheat flour one can buy is five pounds. I got through the checkout line, only to find that said 5 pound package of whole wheat flour had a hole in the side near the bottom, and whole wheat flour was already leaking out of it. The kind checkout staff went off to fetch me another package without a hole. I thought no more about it, until I got home, and discovered not one, but two packages, 5 pounds each, of whole wheat flour-- a lifetime and then some worth. And they only charged me for one package. Bill will try to find a home for one of them at work, to save me the hassle of trying to return it to Publix and ask for nothing in return-- they'll never understand.

The Gators won, but not handily. (In baby football, style points count.) I watched another Season 7 ep of West Wing. Now I'm sleepy, and my nose is cold. Warmer today, but still lower than normal for Florida this time of year.

Great pictures of the garage and the wood supply, Sandy. Very impressive! Re: EdC #19, on't worry, we don't take "lite" seriously. We are low-carb mostly, and I try personally to keep the fat within reason. Although it was hard to resist the fish crust stuck to the pan as I cleaned up tonight.

And here is (I hope) a picture of my Thanksgiving table decoration that Bill took this morning:


At 7:02 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Hurrah for the photo!! Lovely decoration.

Find room for your WW flour in the freezer.


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