Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Say Cheese


Watching the end of the SD/Denver game-- go, LT! What a sweet fellow he is, besides being an amazing player-- no show-boating, no nonsense. I like the Bolts a lot, and hate Denver. Oh, and what an ugly ending it was! SD won, but there was way too much official interference in it.

Woo hoo, the Colts finally lost-- I'm one of those idiot fans who celebrates each year when the Dolphins remain the only perfect team. I should buy a split tomorrow and celebrate. (Bill is not into this mystique.

Slept late this morning-- after watching a couple of West Wing episodes, my dreams were so complicated and interesting I couldn't bear waking up until situations were resolved.

The usual Sunday morning routines stretched into the afternoon. No sooner than they were done, when it was time to start dinner. I turned what should have been an easy soup & salad thing into a major production. A wonderful low-carb Manhattan clam chowder (turnips standing in for spuds), fine. But I took it into my head to top the "simple salad" with something like the fried cheese Sandy made the last few times I visited. She makes it look so easy! With some online coaching, she helped me make something vaguely similar: the wrong cheese (a provelone instead of a mozzerella), the oil too hot, and my lack of experience at how to triple-dip the pieces and have everything stick, let alone get the little blobs turned over in one piece. But of course, with all their flaws, they were delicious. I will try this again, and practice should help. Bill loved it.

I will ask Bill (the Boz fan) about that song, Mom.

You're lucky to find beef shanks; I never see them. And I'm sure your Christmas card will come together splendidly and amaze us all once again.


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