Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Real Cold


Not sure how this is going to work-- both the cat an my computer are competing for lap space, all of us huddled up next to the gas wall heater. It is finally genuinely cold: in the 30's, headed for the low end of them at that.

Mostly occupied with small efforts at decluttering. I did do the 5 minute rescue I promised Wednesday night post-blog, although it stretched into 15. Next day, actually finished the sorting/ filing that the cat interrupted, too.

Today I decided to continue Zone work with the study closet, inspired by my progress with the shoes purge I did before Doug visited. Spent 15 minutes at it. Then another 30 dealing with the stuff I'd pulled out and sorted. About 20 things (mostly silk blouses) on hangers and another dozen folded (mostly too-big t-necks), all ready to go to Good Will; warm weather clothes into storage freed up by the t-neck toss; and some beloved but worn out stuff to trash. Just a beginning, but it made me feel good to accomplish this.

Another 5 minutes of paper clutter removal, most of it into the shredder (which I had to empty) counts toward the room rescue.

Finished Adri's book today. Not sure what I'll read next. Probably finish Peanuts 59-60, then back to Will in the World.

Find that I'm pining for audiobooks. Can't decided whether to break down and buy another one on tape for driving Blue during the week when I'm not in the mood for the only radio worth listening to, or to get something new on CDaudio that I could listen to at home while cooking, or when driving Moonbeam on weekends. No doubt audiotape will soon go the way of VHS, officially declared dead this week. This "death" complicates my life, as now that manufacture of VHS is finished, the existing artifacts could possibly appreciate in value, i.e., someone might take my horde off my hands, if I wait long enough. I just hate the thought of putting them into the landfill.

There's a Gator game tomorrow at noon-- gakk-- worse possible timing. Will have to shop between 12:30 and 3:00. My own fault, shoulda-coulda-woulda gone out today, but just di'nt. And haven't finalized holiday strategy either, beyond the vague notion of the FC stuffed turkey breast. Many ideas for sides, more than make sense for our small crowd, so the problem becomes one of narrowing down options.

I nicked the back of my hand when wrestling with clothes hangers today, and again marvel at the efficacy of spray-on bandages. They're amazing. (It's the Mirrors!!)

Hope you had a good shopping trip today, Mom. Look forward to hearing about it tomorrow.

And now I see the laptop battery is about to go red, so must post, no edit. Then settle down for a long winter's nap. Ahhhh.


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