Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A-P Day


I'll admit I was suprised to see Lisey's Story at the top of NYT's best sellers list, as it is very different from his usual scary stuff (I haven't read Cell, for example, and probably won't), but I guess anything with the name Stephen King on it is going to sell bigtime.

I started reading Adri's new book yesterday. As always, very easy and enjoyable reading. She has a real gift for depicting home-spun characters, especially the dialog.

I always appreciate your clippings, Mom. I'm ashamed to say that I still have stuff here about the new Library ready to mail you and just haven't gotten it done. Maybe that can be for next week's Anti-Procrastination day.

Did pretty well with this week's A-P day-- got the last three things on my November To Do list at least in the works-- phone calls, emails, etc. Been putting them off because I knew they'd be multi-phase, but at least they are started.

Forgot all about my vow to do some work on the kitchen floor until I read it just now in last night's post. Maybe tomorrow. Didn't get the 5 Minute Room Rescue done either, but plan to do it as soon as I finish here. It's five minutes, after all, and I really want to get some momentum going there.

I made a stab at some work in the office here today-- sorting out a stack of stuff I already know I want to keep into some kind of logical categories, which should help with going through the junk in the big room. I had it all spread out on the bed, when the cat came in. Nothing I could do would discourage her from walking all over it, sitting or lying on it, and just generally being a pest. I ended up just stacking it all up again and will try again later.

The chicken thing I did tonight was quite good-- marinated for a few hours in a chicken broth/ lime juice/ garlic and chili powder mixture, then sauteed and topped with a simple cilantro salsa (chopped fresh tomatoes, scallions and more lime juice). Had the cauli-rice I'd pre-shredded Monday with bottled salsa added at the end, and a pre-fab Oriental salad. Cooking done for the week, and way too many leftovers in the fridge. But at least they're all labeled and dated.

Over after-dinner espresso, Bill entertained me by humming, in his own inimitable style, themes to various TV shows. I hardly knew any of them (!) but I loved the game. It reminded me when Sandy and I used to make each other guess songs by just slapping out the rhythm of the lyrics on our thighs. Humming would have been no challenge at all, since we had the very same set of songs in our heads. I also remember playing "Juke Box" in the shower when we used to share the one in the original part of the house.

Thunder! What is this? It's supposed to be too late in the season for that. It was on the warm side outdoors, although chilly in the house (the joy of terrazzo floors). And now I hear a few drops of rain. Good thing, as it's been over a week since it last precipped, and things are still way too dry. But the cat is not happy with it: she is staring out the sliding glass window, occasionally glacing at me reproachfully. Clearly another case of Local God Failure, i.e., why do Bill and I permit these things to happen? All things must serve the cat.


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