Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Colder'n Wisconsin!


Very cold indeed! And wouldn't you know, only the second morning in the past seven weeks I had to get up early and go into work with Bill. He was hosting a catered holiday celebration for everyone in his division-- about 30 people. I had my first experience of being Mrs. Director, and how strange to have people I barely know being so very nice to me-- I think of it as the lunar spotlight.

Yesterday made a crock version of Burgandy Beef, and it was well suited for this frigid weather. Did a shopping run in the afternoon to get stuff for our modest Tnx feast. Forgot a few things, so another quick trip tomorrow. Got the liquor run done, and actually dropped off the stuff I decluttered from the closet at Good Will, too. Good Suze.

Tonight I made Tuna Burgers... and strange as it sounds, they were quite wonderful. Just an ordinary canned tuna (used the Genova stuff Sandy turned me on to) made up as if for salad or sandwich (scallions, celery, mayo, mustard) plus an egg, then made into messy patties and sauteed in olive oil over medium heat. Not pretty, but amazingly tasty, and I have a few ideas about how to do it better. Also spaghetti squash from last night I recycled into a gratin dish that worked rather well.

Tomorrow the T-Day countdown begins. I have 3-4 things to do, plus the last minute shop. I'm not clear about where the Wisconsin feast is to be held.

It's very good to hear you feel better today, Mom. And as for Mt. Washmore, take a tip from FlyLady: little loads, every day. No giant loads to be dragged around. Just a daily routine. I did a few of those today. While folding them, I watched a few more eps of West Wing Seaston 7. I was enjoying them so much I wished I had more stuff to fold! As it is, three hours-worth is enough to give me political dreams that threaten to have me sleeping til noon tomorrow. Not a good idea on T-Day Minus One.

All the buzz today made me think about what I'm doing since retirement besides sleeping late (I'm famous for that). Well, cooking better stuff (boring!); getting the house in better shape (even boringer!). Ah, but I've read NINE books, and enjoyed the living daylights out of each of them. If this is boring, then bring it on. I want more. Retirement rocks!


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