Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

this and that

Glad you found EDF #19. Don't be taken in by some of the "light" aspects of the recipes. Use regular mayonnaise for the BLT salad (if that's what you use anyway), for example. Ditto the cream cheese on the cupcake recipe. Anyway, it's a really good issue. I can see that we liked the tandoori chicken (p. 84). I'll be watching to see which recipes you choose, and perhaps be inspired.

Wish I had some l/o mashed potatoes so I could make the soup. We ate them last night with extended gravy, turkey, dressing, and some green beans. I'm tempted to make some mashed potatoes so I can try the soup, particularly because I have some chives in the fridge. The plant, which lives outside, is done for the season.

Lazy day yesterday. We read all morning, sitting by the fire (I'm rereading Frank McCourt, Charlie is rereading some Michael Connelly). At one o'clock, after snacking on leftover hors d'oeuvres throughout the morning, we sprang into action. Charlie worked on the siding, and I did dishes and laundry. Weather continues mild, dry. We really need rain, and I guess there's some scheduled for early next week.
Here's the garage, with much of the siding done. Looks a lot better than the brown fuzzboard.

About fifty turkeys in the yard this morning, and gunfire from the woods. Deer season, which will be over tomorrow. Then we can go back to the woods for more firewood. We already have quite a bunch of it against next winter. This winter we are mostly burning Mom's big oak tree, along with a huge maple branch we cut off near the house.
This is some of next year's wood.
Here's the inside of the woodshed. Wood on the left is for next year, wood on the right for this winter. It's a lot more than it seems to be in this photo.

Today will be quiet as well, though I am now out of book. Roger Angell's new book is waiting for me at the local library (it was closed Wednesday for some reason, and it's always closed on Fridays), so I hope I can get it today. They may have decided to take a long weekend. It's a pretty small operation, but part of a huge and efficient network. It's nice to be able to take out a book in RF or Menomonie and return it here (or vice versa). And of course that's how I get my audio books.

When I go outside later I'll take a couple of photos and add them, so check back.


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