Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sleep Walking


Back to warm weather again-- came close to 80 today, but still cold in the house, thanks to the floor temp lag (FTL). Got a load of wash done, and swiffered the floors. Bill brought home a huge tub of mail, just barely over a week's worth. Took nearly an hour to get it sorted. I lugged two huge armloads of catalogs directly to the recycle bin without even opening them. Enough already!

Spent a lot of time dealing with lingering problems with retirement paperwork, and tonight's mail brought still more. Another round of this tomorrow. One step up and two steps back.

Made something else from EdC #19: Flank Steak with Onion, Peppers and Beans. Wonderful! It went together very quickly and came out looking just like the photos. Bill remarked several times about how different and good it was. And of course, the cat never met anything that runs on four hoofs that she doesn't like to scarf down.

Watching West Wing DVD's, had one of those annoying times when you realize that you have a damaged disk right in the middle of the set-- and it's already too late to take it back to Best Buy. I've learned how to force a scratched DVD to limp through, so you can at least get an idea of the ep, but it is so maddening. They should have some automatic way you can send back the broken disk and get a replacement-- I wouldn't mind paying for it-- just so I don't have to buy the whole damn set again just to replace one disk that arrived damaged. Grrrrr.

New evidence this morning of just how out of it I am when I first wake up-- found myself sitting at the computer with TWO cups of hot coffee. Bill pled innocence. Apparently I stumbled out of bed, got a cup, brought it back, realized I had to pee, did so, then stumbled back to the kitchen to get a cup, and ... D'Oh!

I'm glad to hear that the Nordic is in the garage-- don't even think about doing it when you are by yourself, Mom. There have got to be better, safer ways for you to exercise.


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