Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Friday Night Fights


It's summer here again-- rainy with temps in the low 80's. Okay, not Florida-summer, but summer in most places. Not much for promoting holiday sprit. Good for the energy bill, however.

I was energetic yesterday, even to the point of doing something major in the Zone: I vacuumed the rug in the TV room, moving all the furniture except for the coffee table. This had not been done since we bought the carpet sweeper about four years ago. Took the swiffer to some of the other spots moving the furniture exposed. None of it the kind of thing that is real noticable, but I feel good about it. Also did the towels and the bathroom floors.

In late afternoon I settled down to watch the very last DVD of the very last season of West Wing-- only to have the disk refuse to load! Of course, you have to take the whole set back to exchange. Luckily it was less than a month ago that I bought it, and I still had the sales slip. Best Buy makes it relatively painless, but still it involved a dedicated trip to do the deed.

Watched it as soon as I got it home this afternoon. Very emotional. But very satisfying, too. They did a good job tying things up. As I predicted, now I want to watch the whole series from the beginning-- I own them all, haven't broken the shrink wrap on most of them. The great fear is that I'll find other seasons that have a bad disk in them, which will be very difficult to replace after this long.

Got all dressed up for Outback last night (well, my NYDJ's and new shoes, anyway). Bill was still wearing one of his nice suits from work, tie and all. So what do I do after just one sip of my first drink? Why, knock said drink into Bill's lap! Aaaargh! How embarassing, especially since I wasn't the slightest bit tipsy. Mel and Co. immediately cleaned up and replaced it, but I was mortified. Mercifully, the drink was clear, and Bill's suit, made out of some bionic material that is supposed to be temperature aware, showed no signs of the mishap after it dried.

Bill leaves for DC at the crack of dawn (before, actually) Sunday morning. I will get up to drive him, as I want to have Moonbeam to drive-- I can make a run to campus at my convenience (parking decal being my passport) and take care of some business there, including a haircut. I also want to pay a visit to the new Fresh Market that has just opened in the Millhopper area, the other end of town, and Moonbeam is a better ride for cross-town ventures.

Glad to hear you had a good outting today, Mom, and got around on your legs instead of on wheels. That must feel really good. And why are you surprised after all that, let alone being awake since 3:00 AM, that you're really sleepy tonight?!

Got the comics article today. Thanks! Very interesting stuff. I still haven't bought Absolute Sandman Vol 1, although of course I must have it. Keep thinking it will show up at B&N so I can lay hands on it immediately, but so far no luck. Eventually I will break down and order it from Amazon. Or maybe from Dream Haven, the store Neil favors in the Twin Cities.

A new BSG ("Unfinished Business") tonight. Still feeling emotionally bruised, drained and otherwise damaged by it, even moreso than usual. My god, what an amazing show. Just when I think it can't keep up this level of brilliance and intensity, let alone get better, it does. The best boxing stuff I've seen since Raging Bull, one of my favorite movies of all time. If there were any justice, this show, and this episode in particular, would walk away with every award out there.


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