Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006



I'll admit it: today was given over mostly to a West Wing marathon. Impossible to watch the election night part 1 episode without part 2 -- and then of course the funeral ep (actor John Spencer died during the final season, and his character's death had to be written in)-- very moving, and nearly every character that appeared over the 7 years made an appearance.

That should have been enough, but no... I had to watch just one more... the transition... Four episodes in one day is very wretched excess.

And there are still four more to go-- the final disk. I will be glad when this is over and I can get my life back. But wait: there's a problem. I have the entire set here, and once it's over, I know I'll want to see how it all started, especially now that Rob Lowe has memorably reappeared... oh darn.

Broke away mid-afternoon to do some minor food shopping and mail some bills. About that time it started to rain-- been raining off and on for the past two days, a warm, summer-like drizzle.

Tonight I made this week's final offering from EdF #19 -- Seared Shrimp with Cucumber Salad. The critical ingredient in this is hearts of palm, which I'd forgotten, and the main reason for the shopping trip. It was quite wonderful, very unusual, and met with thumbs and claws up. I still want to try the salad with buttermilk dressing, and the buttermilk pancakes with bananas next week. Also, I notice the latest FC has a buttermilk recipe or two-- and a couple of other things that look interesting. It is so wonderful to know I now have the time to spend trying new things when the whim strikes.

Congrats to you and your helpers, on getting you tree up and going, Mom. I saw that Publix had trees today. I don't know what to do about this year-- no room in the big room, less in the TV room; last year's desperation lighted artificial tree is too big. I'm about to drop into Grinch mode: I've got to stop Christmas from coming... but how?

Tomorrow is the last day of Zone 1. I promise to drag out the big old heavy vacuum cleaner, move the furniture back, and give that long-suffering carpet a good purge. In between watching the last WW disk, of course.

But for now, time for bed. Just hope I don't dream like last night-- of revisitng Cottey, but all built up, urbanizied, commericalized, and turned into a maze. I've had similar dreams, but this was the most alarming.

Pace Suze. Peaceful dreams.


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