Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Snow (Scene)


Long day yesterday. Went in to work with Bill, with a long list of things to do. Well, let's just say I got one or two done, and count that as a win.

While Tina in HR was trying her best to straighten out the sick leave payout problem (many phone calls), suddenly loud noises and scary messages on the loud speaker. A fire drill? We all had to leave the (new) building immediately, crowding down inadequate stairs, and out into a cold mid-morning. I'd left my coat in Bill's office-- yikes! Turns out it wasn't a drill, abut a real "emergency" -- some idiot had put a metal cup into a microwave (an unauthorized one, at that), then walked off and left it. It set off the fire alarms. Can I pick the day to come in, or what?

While outside shivering, I walked over to try for a badly needed hair cut (sorry Mom and Marty-- no clippee, no pictee) but David was not around, and we had a date with Barbara for lunch. My attempt to pick up mail failed also, as there was too much to carry back across the street in my arms.

It got colder and colder all day-- looked like a snow sky, actually. But of course it didn't get that cold until later, and by then it had cleared off. We went straight to Outback from work, and for some reason they were mobbed, and it took forever. At least it was nice and warm in there, and we had a great table.

Today I got caught up with Blessings and actually made a feeble start with Christmas: got the Snow Scene set up and the other little decorations around the house. Moved some stuff around in the Attic and decided we could put up last year's pre-lit tree in the middle of the remaining space. Why, I'm not sure-- there will be no room in there to sit and look at it-- but at least it will maintain the tradition of getting the ornaments out one a year, looking at them and remembering all the Christmases past. I guess that annual touching base is a big part of what this solar holiday is all about.

On the DVD front, there's good news and bad news: the good news is, I played an episode of West Wing that was failing on my laptop, and all was well. Plus, what a pleasant experience, to be able to see everything perfectly and hear the sound perfectly-- but that's another story. The bad news is, we need a new DVD player. But that is soooo much better than the prospect of large-scale DVD-rot.

Very very cold here, by Forida standards. Never made it above 50 today. If skies remain clear tonight, could be record cold. Our central heat isn't doing anything much, so we're relying on the gas and electric space heaters.

The usual Saturday routine on tap: clear out the fridge, go shopping to put some more stuff to feed us next week. Except, we have a Library Event tomorrow 4-6 (a wine and cheese fund raiser-- ah, the joys of upper management) which will derail any dinner plans.

Mom, you must have been expecting Sandy when you heard about Pearl Harbor. The poor dear must have been traumatized in utero. Wonder where I was just then? In another room? With an aunt? I do remember those red overalls, from pictures taken at the Farm.

Dunno anything about new Blogger stuff. I'm unable to upgrade for some reason, so will just wait on further developments, and report when I know more.

And so, to bed.


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