Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Exodus is Here


Not sure why I missed Wednesday night-- little memory of what happened that day or even yesterday, other than the usual routines and hit or miss Blessings.

All the boxed ornaments are on the tree, about 1/3 of what there is. I have all the un-boxed ones unpacked and laid out on the card table-- they are some of the oldest and most interesting ones. Also the fancy glass globe ones. (Plain ones still packed, to be used to fill in any blank spots.) I realized I'd been assuming Bill did not want to be involved in the decorating, when actually it was me being a perfectionist-- I've done this so many years and have my set ways. I asked him if he'd like to help putting things on the tree, and he said yes. So I am going to step back and let him do what he will over the weekend, and will finish up next week.

Had planned to go out and get cards today, but was up most of the night with a stomach bug. When I finally got to sleep in the morning, I slept until after 1:00 PM. Kinda fouled up the day.

Hanging my head in shame that we still haven't gotten a picture of our charming selves taken for Marty. [Hangs head, shakes it slowly.] Will work on it tomorrow.

BSG "mid-season finale" tonight. A miserable cliff-hanger that won't be resolved until Jan 21, when they move to Sunday night. Luckily, Sunday night football will be over by then. I hope they do re-runs meantime, as I have only the vaguest idea of what is going on. It's always dense and confusing, but I've completely lost several of the many threads. Guess I need to search out a good fan site.

I finished reading Death in Holy Orders, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I've learned to read P.D. James with a guidebook to England by my side so I can look up where things take place. Makes it much easier for me to picture the surroundings. The final scene with Adam and Emma made me cry!

Speaking of James, I'll be interested to see what the upcoming movie makes of her one non-detective mystery book, The Children of Men, coming out over the holidays.

Not sure what I want to read next. Tempted to re-read The Murder Room, to continue the Emma story. Or, I could keep reading the novelization (what a word) of the BSG pilot and the other two which have followed.

Finals are over, graduation tomorrow, then the full scale exodus. Have not wanted to even think about food today, let alone planning a week's-worth. Will most likely be a week of Plan B's or even C's. Assuming food ever interests me again.

Today there was evidence of an invasion of a monster (probably feline) in the Snow Village-- the silver tree on the mountain top (the dictionary stand) was still in place, but the two angels had been toppled, and there were signs of a minor landslide of snow. Looks like the monster attacked from above, but when she felt her claws slipping down the mountain, she withdrew. A snowman and a small Santa keeled over in terror, but were otherwise unharmed.

Such is life on the sandbar. Did anyone else see Garrison's article about Christmas letters yesterday? I loved it. I'm going to model mine after his.


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