Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

TFM Again


As promised, more about The Fresh Market. It is apparently a chain based in North Carolina that tries to be organic, local and upscale all at once. This one is located in what was once a Kash N Karry supermarket, about the size of the Publix we were in when you visited, located in the smae Millhopper center where Upper Crust and the fish market are. (Talk about an embarrassment of riches-- and of course, on the other side of town. I hope TFM does not drive the two smaller businesses out.

Anyway, TFM is so cleverly laid out that it does not seem like a supermarket at all-- there are no long aisles-- things are clustered in circular areas, and islands. Lots of bins of stuff you can serve yourself, or find freshly packaged-- zillions of coffee beans, candy, snack stuff. Beautifully displayed produce, organic when they can get it, clearly marked "regular" if not. Spectacular meat and fish counters. Spectacular deli, including self-serve mix & match olives. A beautiful sushi display. Big area of wine and beer selections. Nice fresh-baked artisan breads. And the canned/bottled section, where I found the Magic Olives along with some other Morea products. I know I didn't get a chance to look at everything there, although I spent a bundle. I need to go back and explore more deliberately and calmly. Probably will have to be after the holidaze, though. I hear that on the day they opened, there were long lines to even get inside the door-- fire marshals were there to ensure safety. Can you spell pent-up demand?

Tonight we had broiled lamb patties, including some wonderful Feta I got there yesterday, along with beautiful artichokes, ditto and some broiled tomatoes. And all day I had munchies to die for.

Bill showed semi-good sense today: he canceled his dentist appointment and didn't go in until noon. He also wisely decided to skip the 7-9 Library Christmas gathering.

I did get Joe Montana on the pre-lit tree today, and Cal Ripken to keep him company. Got about half the boxed ornaments (ie, those that have their own little boxes, mostly Hallmark keepsake things) unboxed on a card table I set up. A long way to go, but it's a start. Bill says it looks good from the road-- the fact that there is a tower of boxes (from Beckley) in front of it is not all that obvious, what with the mirrors and angles involved.

Need to buy cards tomorrow! Also, we will try to take and send an image of us to Marty tomorrow. My hair will be uncut, Bill will be a bit sickly, but at least it'll be us, now.

I loved hearing about your dealing with a chicken with head and feet on, Mom-- how adventurous of you. Nice bit of local color/cuisine.

Watched the first season West Wing Christmas episode on the laptop tonight. It hits even harder now than it did originally. Can't help but wonder what the series might have been if Sorkin had been able to keep it together. By the 7th and last season, it was just about back to what it was at first.

Now for a few chapters of P.D. James and some shut-eye.


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