Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Too Much Football


I'd be happy to have a handle on anything about now. Today was nearly non-stop futility with dollops of frustration and a dash of terror to spice things up. This is the price you pay for thinking you can ignore all the FL Holiday Cruise emails and adopt the carefree Irving approach. Everything will be late. Deal with it. Or sue me if you can't deal.

And we promise a picture of us Real Soon Now. I've nagged Bill enough that it's on his radar.

To my happy surprise, I found he'd put about a dozen ornaments on the tree when I woke up this morning. They weren't where or how I'd have placed them, according to the RULES I apparently absorbed from childhood (each thing must dangle and not touch anything else, etc. etc.), but you know, who CARES?? They look fine, and I love that he took the time to put them on the tree. And he gave himself a mission-- to put things in places I'd have a hard time reaching. How sweet! I do thank Fly Lady for this crucial insight about perfectionism.

After thrashing around on the Net to shop and striking out, I ventured out in the late afternoon to get cards at B&N-- and of course, struck out. Then got caught in a terrible traffic jam trying to get out of the parking lot, and ended up in a contested middle lane trapped facing another car who also thought it was HIS left turn lane. Luckily someone finally let me into the right lane so I could again get into the left lane again. AArrrggghhh!! I will never try that maneuver again.

Shopped at Publix without a menu plan, so who knows what will happen meal-wise. At some point we'll have fried chicken, unstuffed cabbage, and rib lamb chops. Tonight we had a broiled ham slice, faux-hash browns, melon cubes, sushi, and fresh sunflower bread. I need to sit down with cookbooks and magazines and try to make some sort of plan. I can always pick up other stuff Monday when I'm out on my desperation card search.

Watched Saturday Night Football on the NFL network-- this is so wrong: football five nights a week. And yet, if it's there, I'll watch it. How exciting that Marty and Nate will be at the Packers game tomorrow! I didn't mind the Jags games when it was cold, but truly despised the hot weather ones-- which was most of them. If I'm ever tempted to go to an NFL game, it will have to be in cold weather, and in Very Good Seats where respite from the elements is offered. We had the worst of the cheap seats. Four years of them! What were we thinking?!

Anyway, I hope Nate and Marty have seats offering respite from the cold if they need it, and that it's a great game, and that the Pack wins. It wasn't all hell, I must admit-- there was a lot of euphoria too. Especially the one memorable game where I was listening on an earphone radio and suddenly started screaming "YAAAYY" at a point inappropriate to our game... "Denver LOST!" I shouted, and everyone within earshot turned to look at me, and then started screaming too. That loss gave us a chance, in only our second season, to make the playoffs! But it looked grim. The score was tied at the end of the game, and the other team, Atlanta, had their can't miss kicker there to kick a reasonably short game winner as the clock ticked down. But, miracle of miracles-- Morten Andersen (who tonight became the NFL's all-time leading point scorer) made a rare miss, and we were IN! Talk about adrenalin overload-- Andersen got a Christmas card from me that year, and apparently from thousands of other Jaguar fans too. Congrats, Morten, and thanks again for the nice Christmas gift!

Whoa, I've obviously had way too much football this week. And thanks to the NFL-N, I can feed this addiction 24/7/52. Oh noooooooo.......


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