Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

little Christmas indeed

Yesterday (in the clinic waiting room, actually), heard that very song sung by James Taylor, and he uses the right (though obviously not the original) words. Too bad he can't really carry a tune on something like that. Thank you for the update on the series of unfortunate words. It's a song I like, too, and for the same reasons. Only a few more days of Christmas muzak. Good to be sick so I haven't had to be out in it much this week.

I am feeling better at last, after a terrible whizzy night. 1000 vivid mini-nightmares. Guess I really can't take codeine. Too bad. It worked for the pain, but is terrible for my head. Anyway, at about 3 a.m. I began, at last, to sweat. Now it's just recuperation and antibiotics. Four days of pain and fever lays ya low.

Condolences and good wishes to Bill!

I have much more to say, hope to say it in the next couple of days, which should include consciousness but not a lot of activity. I'm glad Christmas is not until Monday.


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