Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

30.IX.07 - MoM

With a day of off and on small storms necessitating unplugging the computer and more called for tonight, I guess I might as well start this in the late afternoon before I do something about some food. I think I am going to open a can of tamales, something I haven't had for a long time. My stomach isn't interested in anything I can think of. I don't think even hummingbird tongues would appeal to me tonight.

I made it through last night in my bed again. My current mantra is "No pain, no gain." I can only stand it for two or three hours without getting up to "mill" around for a little bit before going back for another stint. For as painful as it is in bed, I am always surprised and glad that my legs don't give me more trouble during the day. I really need to keep Advil handy and remember to take it.

Except for the Sunday hour Today Show and Tim Russert's hour this morning, I haven't had another news program on all day until the NBC hour news between 5 and 6 p.m., then i'ts back to the Home & Garden (HGTV) all day and tonight. Quite a shock to my political junky system.

Just a few more stickers this evening and I will have completed the month, except for the 3+ Iowa days. Really a flashy calendar. Usually, I would not try for any activity during the "Willows on the River" stay, but I just now decided that I am going to do whatever I can during that week. I always seem to give up after a month. This will be a real test of my will power if I can continue it for another month. I just have to be realistic and not give up if I have to miss a few things.

Late this afternoon, I had a call from Chris and Kay and they expect to arrive on Friday. Kay is interested in checking out the freezers for the food for the week rather than shopping for more. I think that is a great idea as it is hard for me to plow thru them, and a lot of the food is for more than one person. So much just sets in there getting further out of date and in need of tossing. With two apartments there we will have two good sized freezer tops in the Fridges so should be able to handle the frozen stuff.

I lost interest in the tamales and ended up instead making grilled French bread with cheddar and olives toasted in the oven. I made so much that I will be snacking on the rest tomorrow. With V8, orange juice and high protein Boost I think I can eat dumb sometimes and it did taste good. I ate it along with my drink. Now, I am falling asleep as I pause so time for bed and I am going to try sacking out.


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