Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fell asleep writing this

25.IX.07 - MoM

Last night seemed to continue my new sleep pattern -- a very good night followed by a not at all good one. Last night was one of the latter. There was no catching up with naps as I had a 1 p.m. appointment with Dr. Karlstadt. He was the surgeon who took care of my break. One of the offices he works out of is in Stillwater. Sandy had morning appointments with student teachers not too far a field so it worked out okay. No lunch out but a Kowalski's shopping. We were the first on the afternoon appointment list and arrived early. I was surprised that they took me in for my X-ray and almost instantly followed quickly for my visit with the doctor and we were out of there about 5 minutes after the time my appointment was supposed to start.

As I was going across the Kowalski's parking lot, a woman (attractive and about 45 to maybe 50) stopped her car and lowered her window. I was quite surprised when she wanted to tell me how nice I looked and how much she liked my outfit! (Have forgotten the exact quote.) I had on a pair of my Stretch and Sew brown slacks from the late 1970's, brown turtle neck, and the $12 white cotton jacket from Sears that I had removed the pockets from and had embroidered a design I had drawn and embroidered on the pockets and put back on. (It was in my recent hospital wardrobe as I had to get dressed every day and it was popular there.) When in Red Wing with Chris and Kay, I bought a sort of "Cleopatra" necklace for $10.00 that I thought would be good with this outfit and I love it. With my social life at the Woods or Sandy and Charlie's, I have been having fun putting together new combinations from clothes that I haven't worn for years. So much for throwing out anything you haven't worn in a year or so. That is an advantage of stretch material -- these were the same clothes I was wearing when I weighed 165 and now at 138. (I hate to admit that the waist and pot haven't changed all that much.)

In case you are interested and may have forgotten, Bruce and gang will be on the Today Show on Friday. Usually, the stars appear sometime after 8:30 and before 9 a.m. Sometimes, they appear several times in the 9 to 10 time slot. This month they have added yet another hour -- 4 hours -- ridiculous, but I doubt if any of it would spill over into that -- I have yet to have that on. Also, I seldom leave it on that channel for the 9 to 10 and have yet to listen to the 10 to 11 hour.

I could not stay awake so took what was to be a 15 minute nap. It lasted quite a while longer and I had a hard time waking up to finish this. I hope I can sleep this well later tonight.


At 6:25 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Exact quote: "You look gorgeous"

(Deleted original comment because I forgot to close quotes.)

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Then I forgot the period. Too early I guess. Wish comments could be edited.


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