Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Experimental Sleeping


Still in our rainy regime down here on the sand bar. It rained off and on all day yesterday and most of the night. This morning dawned bright and sunny, and was clear, if hot and sticky all day. Then after dark tonight, sudden thunderstorm and a truly torrential rain. Never know what's going to happen next. Such an exciting time of year.

Had a great day today. As I've always suspected, I need much more sleep than the average bear. Last night I got 11 hours-- and that's not counting the two-hour crash after we got home from Outback. Yeah, the day didn't start until after 11 AM, but I was, if not a ball of fire, at least a smoldering smidgen. Finished up all the daily routines and weekly Blessings, even have next week's menus and shopping list done. I asked Bill for a date late tomorrow afternoon to see Stardust, the well-received movie based on one of Neil's books. I'm amazed it's still in theaters after 4-5 weeks, and want to take advantage of a non-Game weekend. Been several years since we did the Popcorn Experience.

Bill thinks I should experiment with sleeping 11-13 hours a night and see how that goes. It's tempting, but I am held back by my family heritage: Maman, who feels guilty when she sleeps past 5:00 AM, my dear sister who is up with chickens, like her forebears, plus an entire culture based upon competition for worms, the earlier the better. Feh, worms, who needs 'em?

Will be interested to hear what you think of the Bodum glasses, Mom.

Okay, been up 15 hours. See you in 11. That would be... 1:00 PM tomorrow afternoon. Hmmm. Not sure this is going to work.


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