Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Getting caught up - 15 mins at a time

17.IX.07 - MoM

I got started on proofing this, but suddenly, I am so tired I don't think I could force my system to do it. If some of it doesn't make sense or it is filled with errors, it is going to have to wait till some day when I can fill it in on line.

Not to worry about your blog. Since I had written at length the night before I was resting on that. Last night, I was so involved about what I was going to do about the major swelling in my feet and with what I should do about it. I remembered that after I had a little incident in the hospital here in the 90s, I had a little heart thing and they sent home a thing to put on the Fridge about taking instant action for swelling there and linked it to "cardiac arrest." I hadn't taken my water pill yesterday morning, but took it when we got home and it should have helped the swelling a little. I have done that from time to time in the past with no effect. I thought of the problem was having my legs down for long periods of time. I did try to move and wiggle them like you are supposed to do on the plane. I didn't want to call Rita, my Lifeline contact, to talk with her about it as she would have already been in bed as she goes to work at about 5 a.m. at the hospital. When Sandy called to see how I was doing and asked if I wanted them to come in, as much as I hated to say "yes," but I did.

Thanks to their being here, I was able to sleep without having to worry about what to do if I needed to go. I took the water pill this morning and skipped the one I take to stop it after I am "drained." My feet are still swollen but not quite as bad. Wouldn't you know that my doctor is away all week. Now, I want to go in and have a potassium lab test, but I have to see a doctor to get it. (I take 2 potass capsules every day and have always been perfect each time I have the test.) The only doctor I could see is the one I just left for this new one. It was so embarrassing when I have seen him around while I was in das Spital. I really hadn't seen him a lot before I made the change, however. I am using my will power and have not been eating many of the double batch of "salt" bombs till I get it checked. Lately, I have been cutting way down on salt, but I stuffed on the toast,yesterday, that Sandy and Charlie say was almost too salty for them to eat, at the Hungry Peddler yesterday at lunch. I am having the leftover chicken breast and hash browns from there, tonight. I ate a lot but there is still even more for tomorrow.

I tried to not sit so much today so about every hour I did something active for at least 15 minutes. I unpacked the suitcase, put most of it away, and did 2 loads of wash and dried and got it hung up or put away. I also got in several 15 minute naps. I think I did most of my routines today, now need to put the stickers on tonight. I also got a rather detailed e-mail sent to Bill Dwyer as he was interested when I talked with him, as one of the few remaining cousins. He was wishing he could be there, too.

We are in line for perhaps some pretty strong storms tonight and almost every day (or rather night) for the next 3 or so nights.

It was great to be back in my chair again last night after waking up every few hours aching so with every little movement in a bed, When I was in Lake City with the "kids" this summer, I slept pretty well in that bed with an occasional change of pace on the sofa.

I have the door open at almost 8:30 p.m., and I am sweating. Don't like to leave the front door open for cross ventilation. I guess that it will cool off enough with just the patio door open.

As soon as I finish my other drink, I am going to be more than ready for bed.

I continue to love to hear of your FL stuff and food -- it inspires me to keep on trying and that it is really worth it.


At 9:30 PM, Blogger Sandy said...

Just a note to those who read comments: for "cardiac arrest" read "congestive heart failure." For the record. Quite different.


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