Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adventures in the Future


You can make that "simple and stupid scarf" for me, Ma-- I need one. Although it is still plenty hot here, I have faith that someday in the next few months it will get cold again.

There was an article in the paper yesterday about how all these electronic devices are ruining sleep patterns for college students. Seems sleeping in short bursts is not as restful as a full night's sleep. I think you're letting your computer ruin your sleep as well-- I notice you are waking up in the night to check for blogs and email. We must break you of this habit in the interest of sleeping all night! So I think for awhile I will not post to the blog until morning so you won't be tempted to check in the wee hours.

Sorry your cousin reunion plans have been derailed, but glad to hear you're going ahead with the trip anyway. It's such a pleasant drive down there.

Needless to say, I didn't post last night because I was mired in football-- a Monday Night double header, the late game being San Fran. I fell asleep before the end of it (don't even know who won), so headed straight for bed.

Dinner last night was a glotch (skillet meal) we like-- leftover ham strips, mushrooms, onions, sour cream, served over cauli-rice. Easy and good. I'd also turned the rest of the terrible green beans into a 4-bean salad-- also not very good because the basalmic vinegar I used just wasn't sour enough. I corrected it with some wine vinegar for its rerun tonight.

Had some errands across town this morning (you will see two of your checks deposited finally) and so was able to shop at Fresh Market. Besides picking up a jar of Magic Olives, I got some nice raspberries and avocados. Found some of those little fresh mozzarella balls Sandy used with grape tomatoes, so of course had to get some good looking grape tomatoes and fresh basil.

Original plan was to pick up scallops, which Bill dearly loves, but I was seduced by some crab cakes (made w/lump crab) which he also loves. They were lovely, fried briefly in some butter. Also picked up some nice olive bread, and some amazing sushi-- made with real crab and brown rice. Along with the tomato/mozz/basil things, a very nice late summer supper.

Also reiterated yesterday: his love of Pizza/Quiche. "What's the point of you retiring if you don't make P/Q for me every day?" What, indeed?

My FlyLady calendar came today! Yay! I'm now good to plan through December 2008!

Not going into the comics tomorrow. Spot of bother going on in the area, which I would do well to miss.

And speaking of comics, our friend, the beautiful sci-fi geek Cynthia just announced she finally has a chance to go to the San Diego Comic Con next year. "How come WE can't go?" asks Bill. Well, no reason at all, as long as we're willing to accept accommodations miles away from the actual con... Problem has been that we were so spoiled by our dumb luck the first year, being able to walk to and from, we were unwilling to settle for less. So we are now saving our pennies and energies toward a crazy adventure next July. And I actually have a calendar up on the wall that will allow me to mark it down right now. (Uh, just as soon as I research exactly when it is next July...)

Frost warnings! Can't freaking believe it. Let's hope the previous patterns prevail, and our weather follows yours by a few days. We could use the break from endless tropical summer.


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