Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A change of temperaure tonight?

6.IX.07 - MoM

Nightly weather report: We are scheduled for storms tonight some could be heavy. And, they could go on most of the night. I am hoping that the worst might go a little north east of us. (By the way, I enjoy hearing from you about your weather conditions, Suzy.)

At least, I have a little progress to show for the day. This morning I finally pulled together the letter to Rosie for her birthday and used one of my trial flower pictures on letter paper instead of card stock. It was a design that I particularly liked that I did not get it on a card before I gave up. It would have been nicer if it had even been on thicker paper. I even managed to get it to the mail box before the mailman came.

Tom. the fish man, came by today. I have been worrying about how quickly my fish population had diminished since the good sized batch just before you came. I thought it might be that he hadn't put enough self feeding pellets in for then. I turns out it had been a "bad batch" that had had been trouble even for the wholesaler. He will be back next Tuesday to bring some more from a new batch.

I finally decided it was time to get stickers going on my new calendar. I took a while to sort through what I had. They aren't as easy to find as they were but I have collected quite a few. I need to make a new chart like I used to have to check off each day. However, some of my routines have changed and also, some of stickers have had to be changed as the old ones are no longer available. As usual, instead of making it simple, I made a "career" out of doing it. I just went back as far as the first of Sept.

I just finished eating my dinner -- a reprise of the walleye and wild rice and one of Sandy's good tomatoes with some of her leeks chopped on it -- nothing else but a little salt. Now it is drink and salt bomb time. I dozed off a couple of times before I got up from the chair to take the dinner remains to the kitchen and it is only a little after 8 p.m. No real nap today.

My major accomplishment was two full loads of clothes, mostly my dresses. It had been quite a while since I had done one. That is one of the problems when you have accumulated so many clothes over the years. I haven't bought any for at least 7 or 8 years. Gone is my old bad habit of tossing the clean clothes in a pile in a corner and working out of it. I now make sure to take care of them instantly.

I just checked with Sandy and she had just talked with Ben and he likes school. Hopefully more details will find their way into the blog one of these days.

Tomorrow, my mission is to be renewing all the magazine subscriptions. I hope I am not so late that all of you will miss any issues. I wish that they would not start sending out renewal notices up to 6 months ahead as I put it off and now it has caught up with me.

How I hope the storms will go north of us as I am so tired I want to have a good night's quiet sleep. There is a chance of a series of 3. I think the first one has gone north of us. Maybe I can get some rest between them. I got a rather late start on the evening and I am determined to enjoy "sipping" my drinks.

Enough, already.


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