Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

No complaints about this perfect weather

1.IX.07 - MoM

While my Salisbury steak TV dinner is baking, I will at least start tonight's blog. I called Thea for the weekly chat and she wanted me to be sure to let you know, Suzy, how very much she had enjoyed your letter about the trip. She can no longer see well enough to even read the large type you use. She said Gracie's eyes are so bad and she doesn't read well so she had to wait till Penny came. She has been enjoying your phone calls, too. She was able to hear me okay today, which really helps and said she had heard you well, too.

I was not happy this morning when I brought the StarTrib in from the porch to my chair in the living room where I have my cookies and tea. It wasn't in a plastic sleeve this time but just had a rubber band around it. When I opened it a huge "granddaddy" of a cricket or grasshopper jumped into my lap. I HATE those things and have sticky traps all over the house to entice and trap them. I managed to get him to the rug in front of my chair, with my brain spinning about what to do next. I didn't want to step on him as I know how awful their insides would be on the rug, but I couldn't let him get away, so I dropped the whole paper on him, then gently stepped on the paper -- hoping for the best with the carpet. I heard a light crunch noise. However, when I lifted the paper I only found several of his long legs but no body. Now, I have to hope that he doesn't wait until night to come back and retaliate by jumping onto me after I have turned off the light! His legs have joined the other bodies on the sticky strip behind my chair. OOOH -- there was a food picture on TV with a beautiful slice of lemon meringue pie -- that is just went on my on my grocery list gadget.

The weather was beautiful again today, but I had trouble trying to stay awake all morning. I had my new usual sleep pattern last night -- about 2 hours in my chair, an hour or so of awake time, then back to 3 hours more, this time still in my chair, of good sleep. Mid-morning I had a struggle to stay awake. Then, I guess I slept enough in small spurts that I was able to stay awake this afternoon. Now that I have dinner under way, I am again so sleepy I that I can hardly stay awake as I type this. Earlier this afternoon, I even got enough poop to try to design a new flower card. I ran into a problem that dimmed my enthusiasm. It seems that when Chris set my copier up for the slides, he had to remove a shield in the lid and I am going to have to mount a search of my stuff to find it. Also, my color density is going to need some increasing, so will have to look up to remind me how I do that, too. With my low energy levels these days, it just seemed like too much work, especially as it was getting late. I did find I could put a sheet of paper over the flower composition and that took care of some of the problem.

I am on day 4 of my FL morning routine comeback. When I get my new calendar, I am going back to stickers. And. the kitchen and bathrooms continue to be "polished." The front room, except for the sort of organized stacks around my chair, is also in pretty good condition. I must get some work done on my desk area and of course, the sitting end of my bedroom and the closet that are still a mess.

Hope you are back on feed again, Suzy. You don't have a lot of reserve fat to fall back on. Thea is worrying a little as she is down to 115.


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