Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Green Stuff


Glad to hear your survived the storm, Mom. I felt terrible when I heard how hard Marty's street had been hit, and Sandy's area too, after I'd advised you not to take to your shelter for every little warning. But you did exactly the right thing: you were aware of what was going on, you didn't panic, but when the time obviously came to take shelter, you did so.

Slow start here, but late in the day I got cranked up to finish the major Blessings (rugs and dusting), do a load of laundry, and clear a hot spot or two. Amazing how little time it actually takes.

The main dish salad I concocted I'm calling "Pork with Green Stuff;" just so happened that everything I had on hand was green: green pepper, jalapeno, English cuke, celery, Granny Smith apple, avocado. Since the leftover pork had the mustard sauce on it, I just added oil and vinegar for an instant vinaigrette. Pretty decent. Made a fruit salad of bananas, strawberries, and tangelos as a side. Good fare for dog days.

For desert, we had the last of the panna cotta. When I told Bill it was the last, he said, "You mean, last of this batch."

Uh, yeah.

"You are going to try it again, aren't you?"

Hey, with a ringing endorsement like that, how could I not? Gather ye kudos where ye may.

I'll send you the shrimp recipe via email, Mom. Do at least try the raisins the first time-- I used a a few from a packet of "jumbo mixed," and they really added something. If you don't like, you can eat around them.

BTW, the urban legend about fruit ripening in proximity is true. The only avocados at Publix Sunday were hard as rocks. Bill bought some bananas, and after hanging them on the hook, I put one of the avocados under them. Tonight that one was perfectly ripe! The other, nearby, will probably be ready by tomorrow. Excellent!

Plan is to go into work tomorrow. We'll see if I actually drag myself out of bed in time to do it. Oh bother-- just realized I forgot to write the bills that I need to mail tomorrow. @#$%$


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