Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Still in a wet weather pattern. Not complaining.

27.VIII.07 - MoM

It looks as if we are going to catch up with rainfall somewhat quickly after our record dryness. You two and Chris and Kay were lucky to be here during dry weeks. Chris C. was by to mow the lawn today and he said they got 2" on the other side of town last night. I didn't measure my overflow but there was more than an inch. I think we are supposed to have some more thunder storms and rain tonight. If the storms do materialize, I won't have to take much else into my little "shelter."

Chris is coming back to trim and weed whip stuff this weekend and plans to clean the gutters as he does twice a year. I am glad I was able to force a check on him the last time he was here.

As usual, the day went by quickly without my making any forward progress on my to do list. I didn't get to bed until late, was awake for a little while during the night and didn't get up till 6 this morning.

On the local news weather they just said that the Farmer's Almanac is out today and it is going to be a warmer that usual winter and colder in New England. The storm coming tonight is going to be after 11 p.m., with lingering showers during the day tomorrow and storms again later in the day. These storms aren't too welcome in MN as it is the week of "The Great Minnesota Get Together" otherwise known as "The State Fair." They really take that seriously, I think even more than the one in Iowa. A nice feature this year is 350 free bicycle helmets every day to kids up to 17 years old by one of the hospitals. They get to choose the color and one they like and includes a proper fitting. It is so popular that the wait can be 45 minutes. I'm glad I didn't hit our heads during my accident, Suzy.

Guess I need to fix something to eat and finish this after. Well, dinner, such as it was, is over. It was thanks to Sandy's leftovers -- the nicely brown chicken back skin with some chicken and cucumbers. These were baby ones, and I had a lot so decided to use the mandolin. I did them like you told me, Suzy. I wanted to get dinner over, so the ones I ate hadn't soaked long. I poured the water off of the rest after they soaked some more and they are in the fridge for tomorrow -- perhaps even for breakfast.

It was about 6:45 while I was fixing my food when the town siren started. The sky was a little dark, but everything else was eerily still. For the occasional trials they usually have loud speakers saying it is a drill. And the trials are usually held at 6 p.m.

Love my new toy. I carry it in my walker basket along with a phone and TV control that works for the one in the living room, the kitchen and my bedroom. My current grocery list consists of Advil. batteries, ant poison, febreeze and gin. Nice to add things to a shopping list as I think of them, especially with my aging memory.

I guess when I finish my 2nd gin, I'll try to get a little sleep before the possible storm. As these weather events get more frequent I get less interested in spending time in my shelter.


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