Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lazy again

23.VIII.07 - MoM

I continue to have a hard time getting going on anything constructive. I didn't even look at my to do list today. I did have a wonderful nap about mid-day. And I am looking forward to a good dinner from the leftovers of yesterday's lunch out. And, I read today's local paper. That led to some time spent at the computer reading all the info about the Senior Living complex new to River Falls. I wondered what the new big buildings at the south edge of town were. I saw them when Chris, Kay and I went south last month. However good they sound, I am not ready to leave this house until absolutely necessary.

Sandy brought me some baby cucumbers yesterday. I sliced up a big bowl of them today. The small diameter is just right -- I don't have to cut the slices to fit my shrinking mouth. As I sliced them, I remembered when you used to do them when you were living at "The Farm East," Suzy, and put them in salt water like Pa used to do. Do you remember the approx ratio of salt to water and how long they needed to soak? I added a little and let them soak briefly. They were good, but I remember yours as being especially good. Yesterday, Sandy also brought me some excellent thinly sliced roast pork. (Weird -- I have local news from the MN State Fair on and someone is growing "Watumkins -- a cross between watermelon and pumpkins.)

By the way, Marty, Julia or Nate, Sandy thinks the dark glasses that ended up at my house might belong to one of you.

Enjoyed hearing about the rest of your trip, Suzy. Glad you had a good hotel experience for your second night. Do you remember that awful one we had one night on our trip to Texas? I seem to remember that we got in late, then went to a nice hotel, got 2 rooms, and we could not get you to leave the pool and your room due to the heat.

According to TV nightly news, our stormy, wet weather is out of the way for a few days. The one expected today went south over to Chicago and gave them a more than a little excitement. The flooding in Findley, Ohio, brought back some fond memories. DoD was newly retired and at last we could travel whenever we wanted to. We had been members of the International Guild of Candle Artisans a couple of years so we decided to attend a weekend workshop in Findley. We had attended a couple of summer conventions (Virginia, and Fort Dodge, IA). I was in awe of the older members but they were very friendly and welcoming. The current president happened to be there so that led us into an active part such as our being asked to take over the arrangements for the judging at the convention in McAllen. TX, the following summer (at the last minute the chairman backed out), and later to DoD being elected Member at Large, then Treasurer. He had enjoyed exploring Findley, while I was "candeling." We made a lot of good friends, over the years -- one couple became almost like family. I also was in touch with the founder by e-mail until she died a couple of years ago. While we were in Europe, she was on tour with her husband and could not get to Saalfelden, so we went to Nuremburg, Austria, to spend an evening with them. DoD was still treasurer when we attended the CA convention in Santa Rosa where Chuck Jones was the banquet speaker. IGCA is still in existence -- I recently looked it up on the net.


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